13 Days Winners! 31

This was the Second Annual Vital MX Holiday Giveaway, and both the companies contributing product and the number of entries stepped up considerably. Heck, we event boosted it to 13 days instead of the traditional 12.

We’re guessing you want to jump in and find out who won, right? We did too, but we also checked on a few things, like seeing who got the holeshot on each product by being the first to post. No, it doesn’t win you anything, but we just wanted to see who was paying attention.

We also liked reading your comments, and added a few random comments from each of the products submitted.

Ready to see who won? Here goes…

Day 1: Renthal

Holeshot: neverwas.

Random Comments:

(BVS40FL) Would winning a set of bars be an excuse to buy a bike to go with them?

(Jdwilson307) I've run Renthal grips for years and they work like a charm and fit my smaller hands as well.

(bigmaico) I love the Renthal CR Hi, I would love to have a set to put on my 490 Maico to match the ones on my KTM 525

(Kinetic1) The only thing better than Renthal bars are free Renthal bars!

(DrSweden) To start with, I'm prolly the only guy in this thread actually riding a dirt bike, so this makes me the only worthy aspirant for this prize. On top of that I'm also very poor, semi retarded, with just one leg (the other one is not working properly), I'm also bald, not that good looking, my wife hates me and I don't have any friends to play with.

With these Renthal gadgets I'm sure life will be a bit more bearable for me. Listen to your heart...

(TerryB) I've been a lifelong Renthal guy, and currently I'm using Fatbars. I'd sure like to try a set of TwinWalls though. YeeeeeeHaw!

Winner: Jdwilson307.

Prize Package includes: Renthal Twinwall Handlebar, Renthal Grip Glue, Renthal Grip Donutz, Renthal Clean Grip Covers.

Day 2: FMF

Holeshot: Tiki.

Random Comments:

(Sparkey) My son was crying because I couldn't take him to the dez last weekend. The FMF would fix that. On a side note, do the staps work with bed posts? Looking for that extra-special item for the wife

(Rabbit) If I get that setup I'll have to think of another excuse as to why I'm so slow.

(FLmxer) I had the FMF powerbomb header and Ti silencer on my last 450 and noticed a great amount of power gain. I ran the FMF fatty on my YZ 250 and believe it helped me holeshot on many occasions. You can not lose with FMF products.

(motomom4) Please Please Please Please Please, It always works for my kids!

(jock) I just showed that pic to my 450, it started crying, it wants one.

Winner: CAM912.

Prize Package includes: FMF Powercore muffler, FMF Soft Touch Tie Downs.

Day 3: Leatt

Holeshot: JE215.

Random Comments:

(Hman144) This will go great with my open face Easy Rider replica I got from JC Whitney in 1979.

(jmc2) Being a therapist working with SCI patients, I would set a great example by wearing this...

(Highsider) With the Leatt, you won't even know you are wearing it, unlike the itchy sweater your Auntie knitted you!

(rtcc) One of the best products ever. I have worn them but I have never had the money to buy my own....I hope that doesnt catch up to me!

(Audie) As a 2 year Iraq and 2 year Afghanistan veteran…that would fit me perfectly lol!

(jakefortyeight) Will this thing keep my wife from breaking my neck because of all the riding I do?

Winner: FLmxer.

Prize Package includes: Leatt GPX Club Brace, Limited Edition Leatt Padding and Decal Kit.

Day 4: One Industries

Holeshot: Audie.

Random Comments:

(Emerica5) Looks about as custom painted of a helmet you can get, without getting it custom painted...digging it.

(kaw rider9) Very nice lid.. Might just save me from any more brain damage..

(JE215) How long do the batteries last?

(jock) That is a good looking skid lid, good enough to make the most ugly looking melon look good.

(Racer92) Nice looking brain bucket. Looks like Eddie Van Halen & Bob Hannah collaborated on this one. ;-)

Winner: jmc2.

Prize Package includes: One Industries Kombat Helmet.

Day 5: Easton

Holeshot: smc916.

Random Comments:

(TerryK) Being from Canada, I can relate to Easton. They make great hockey sticks! lol

Bars look cool.

(Poker_Player) These bars are awesome. I like the new look for the pad. I have a set of these on my 4stroke but need some new bars for my 2 smoker.

(whoopdedoo) I have Easton Monkeylite bars on my mountain bike

(roguemx) So... a horse walks into a bar, bartender says...

Winner: Rotax.

Prize Package includes: Easton EXP 1-1/8” handlebar, bar/clamp pad.

Day 6: Vital MX

Holeshot: worcsracer808.

Random Comments:

(Braaap) OK Guy, I won one of the first T-shirts you ever gave out on this site and it's worn the F*&^ out. Hook me up with some new swag so I don't have to wear anything that my wife might like!

(Noob) I'm not "out" about my feelings for Vital, yet.

This would be the perfect way to tell the WORLD!

(FLmxer) I believe my VitalMX hat is my lucky hat because I have won in 5 out of 7 in my poker club since wearing it. LOL great stuff.

(mxtryon231) Up on the rooftop click click click, GuyB's website is super sick.

Hook me up with this gear so I can pull a chick?

(Riesenberg448) I promise booby pics if I get sponsored by Vital with clothing for Xmas!

Winner: Bronson905.

Prize Package includes: Vital MX logo T, Vital MX Hat, Vital MX Hoody.

Day 7: Engine Ice

Holeshot: worcsracer808.

Random Comments:

(mxracer317) It would be perfect seeing that my heart is already cold as ice

(visual419) Seriously..who DOESN'T run this stuff!? In all my bikes! CRF250R, YZF600R

(Highsider) Does it come with a KFC Survival Pack, including mashed potatoes??

EI Dave saved me from starving at LLs this summer. Thanks to Dave for this package!

(Loose) Excellent. Non Genuine. Inclusion. Normally. Exclusive. I. Could. Enjoy.

(applesauce973) A must for any mx bike , truly works less heat more power

Winner: Digger437.

Prize Package includes: A case of Engine Ice Hi-Performance Coolant, three Engine Ice shirts, and two Cyclelogic coffee mugs.

Day 8: Pirelli

Holeshot: suzukirm12594.

Random Comments:

(KMC440) Great sneakers, if you've never tried Pirelli's you're in for a surprise.

(kwhite199) I've never tried Pirelli tires before. I think it is about time

(roguemx) On the eighth day of Christmas, Vital give to me? two Pirelli tires...

(Digger437) What are the rubber nubbies called on a tire? Ya know the things that hang off the knobby. Better send these to me so I can inspect them and make sure they meet the rubber nubbie criteria!

Winner: stillwelding.

Prize Package includes: A set of Pirelli’s Scorpion MX Hard tires.

Day 9: Thor

Holeshot: stillwelding.

Random Comments:

(rtcc) I need a new jersey! The paramedics cut my last one off me!!!

(loftyair) Being a Norseman, I think I am the only one who qualifies for this armor, it would be the first time I would have matching battlegear, plus I could finally get Helga to notice me!

(visual419) Anyone else here have a THOR MX tattoo on their back!? I bet not! I DO I DO I DO!

(gsxrcr28) Sweet gear. I dislike my current gear. Should have gotten Thor.

(Riesenberg448) Since I forgot how to go fast, I would like the gift of looking fast!

Winner: jakefortyeight.

Prize Package includes: Thor Core Pants, Thor Core Jersey, Thor Core Gloves.

Day 10: MotoConcepts

Holeshot: worcsracer808

Random Comments:

(jmc2) Very cool items from a company that has made an impact on must need accessories...

(Rabbit) I can wrap my head around that (moto) concept.

(Habegger256) This would be a lot better then my five-gallon buckets

(loftyair) How will I ever find my stuff if it's not on the ground?

(wired4speed) I'm gonna miss my milk crate for about 1 second.

(Big Money) Sat on Santa's lap after waiting in line for what seemed to be like a couple of days, behind a bunch of little kids sucking down Capri Suns like they were going out of style and asked the big rosy fat man for anything that Moto Concepts makes! Very cool products, as always!

Winner: ebers.

Prize Package includes: MotoConcepts MotoBin, MotoConcepts MotoStand, three MotoConcepts HelmetHooks.

Day 11: Pro Taper

Holeshot: worcsracer808.

Random Comments:

(mx214) Love my Contour bars... would like to try the Evos!

(Gonzo0100) I heard those pegs are pretty much the best pegs out there these days.

(TerryK) Just the thing to kickstart my future streetmoto CR500 project! Much coolness.

(TheWeapon) mmmmmm. These would be much more comfortable than my own, ever changing 'custom bend' stock bars. I'm sure they're made from licorice....

Winner: smc916.

Prize Package includes: Pro Taper Evo Handlebar, Pro Taper Molded Bar Pad, Pro Taper 2.3 Platforms, Pro Taper Pillow Top Lite Grips, Pro Taper Corp white sweatshirt, Pro Taper Classy white fitted hat, Pro Taper tie-downs.

Day 12: MSR

Holeshot: Huck

Random Comments:

(Eysbo) NXT is awesome gear and looks great

(JE215) Just starting to like the MSR Stuff, used to be plain and boring. Now the style is good, but not over the top.

(jbomx363) Windham wears it, must be good. Heck, my son wears it, I know it's good.

(Loftyair) MSR, that's short for My Stuff Rocks, right?

(applesauce973) Malcolm smith is the king.

(Noob) I am the champion of MSR giveaway gear... looking to defend my title.

Winner: sesker15.

Prize Package includes: MSR Velocity Helmet, MSR NXT Rider Jersey, MSR NXT Rider Pant, MSR NXT Gloves, MSR Expedition Gear Bag, MSR Reflection Hoody, MSR Icon Fitted Cap.

Day 13: Answer Racing

Holeshot: chuckdavies.

Random Comments:

(Audie) Man that is the motherload right there.... KICK ASS

(jwhite66) Talk about LUCKY DAY 13 ......I WANT TO BE A ROCKSTAR !

(smc916) I don't think I'm fast enough to look that good.

(Brink) The only thing that would make this better would be Killer Skullz!

(Ock) So what, I'm still a rockstar, I've my rock moves, and I don't need you.

It would be nice though.

Winner: level.

Prize Package includes: Answer Comet Rockstar Helmet, Answer Racing Rockstar Jersey, Answer Rockstar Glove, Answer’s Rockstar Pant, Answer Rockstar Large Gear Bag, Answer Rockstar Burst Jacket, Answer Rockstar Podium Beanie.

That's it! Thanks to all the companies that contributed product, and all the Vital MX members who entered. As always, you made it really fun. (As you can tell, we like checking out the comments.)

Happy New Year to the winners. We’ll be in touch for shipping addresses, applicable model years and bike brands, or sizes where applicable. For the rest of you? There’s only 350 days or so until the start of next season…


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