Vital MX Fantasy

Now you can be a motocross race team manager! We have two different fantasy games to choose from: Vital MX Superfan Fantasy and Vital MX Pro Fantasy. Superfan Fantasy is free to play and open to players of all ages around the world. You can compete against friends in a private league, or for prizes in our global league. Pro Fantasy allows players to compete against each other for money. Pro is only open to players over 18 (19 in Nebraska) and in the states shown here. Superfan and Pro are separate, but the game basics are the same (rider list, salary budget, points system, etc.). Superfan players are signed up for the entire season, while Pro players have to sign up for specific contests for each round. 

Jump to Pro Fantasy overview

Superfan Fantasy

How to Play

  1. Get Started: Sign up and create your Vital Fantasy account. A regular, free Vital MX account is first required to join Superfan Fantasy.
  2. Free or Premium: Decide if you want to upgrade to a premium account. Premium accounts get convenient access to statistics from past races, they can see pick trends for current races, and they can create their own private league. Players are eligible for prizes based on their weekly and season-long performance in the Global League. Having a premium account does not directly increase your chances of winning.
  3. Build your Team: After picking a league, it’s time to build the team. During each round, spend your allotted budget to hire riders with the goal of earning the most points possible. One rider from each class is required and you can choose as few or as many riders as your budget allows. Teams must be selected before the lockout time of a race. If you don’t select a team before the deadline, Vital Fantasy will automatically assemble one for you. However, the budget for auto-picks is 75% of the normal amount. Vital Fantasy will not make auto-picks for you two races in a row. For each race, you’ll pick a new team. You can select the same racers or hire all new ones. Rider prices will fluctuate throughout the season based on their performance.
  4. Scoring Points: Once the race is complete, rider results are compiled and team scores are added up. The riders score you the same points they earned on track. The highest total score takes the victory.


  1. A team must consist of at least one rider per class (250 and 450). There is no maximum number of riders.
  2. A team’s cost must not exceed the maximum budget.
  3. A team must be selected and saved before the lockout time of each race. The lockout time is typically the start time of the 250 race. If you don’t select a team before the deadline, Vital Fantasy will automatically assemble one for you. However, the budget for auto-picks is 75% of the normal amount. Vital Fantasy will not make auto-picks for you two races in a row.
  4. Tie breaks: If two or more players tie on total score for a race, the submission date and time for final picks will break the tie (earliest picks win). If there is a tie in the season standings, it will be broken in favor of the player with the single highest scoring round. If a tie still remains, it will be broken in favor of the player who joined that season’s Vital Fantasy the earliest.
  5. Except where prohibited by law, players in all states and countries are eligible to play Vital Fantasy. Players outside of the continental United States may be required to pay shipping and related charges in order to receive prizes.
  6. Vital MX reserves the right to modify the rules at any time. 


Yes, you can win prizes by playing Vital MX Fantasy and they're free! No cash entry needed to be in the running to win a weekly or a series-ending grand prize. You just have to play and perform.

Pro Fantasy

How to Play

  1. Get Started: Sign up and create your Vital Fantasy account. A regular, free Vital MX account is first required to join Fantasy.
  2. Pick a Contest: For each round, there will be multiple contests. Contests will have different entry fees, player limits, and payout structures. Enter the contest that best suits you. You can enter multiple contests, and you can enter multiple teams in a given contest.
  3. Upload Money: Add money to your Vital MX Pro Fantasy account. Entry fees for contests you enter will be deducted from your account, and your winnings will be added to it.
  4. Upgrade to Premium?: Decide if you want to upgrade to a premium account. Premium accounts get convenient access to statistics from past races, they can see pick trends for current races, and they can create their own private league in the Superfan Fantasy game. Having a premium account does not directly increase your chances of winning.
  5. Build your Team: After picking a contest, it’s time to build the team. Spend your allotted budget to hire riders with the goal of earning the most points possible. One rider from each class is required and you can choose as few or as many riders as your budget allows. Teams must be selected before the lockout time of a race.
  6. Scoring Points: Once the race is complete, rider results are compiled and team scores are added up. The riders score you the same points they earned on track. Teams in each contest are ranked based on their points (highest to lowest).


  1. A team must consist of at least one rider per class (250 and 450). There is no maximum number of riders.
  2. A team’s cost must not exceed the maximum budget.
  3. A team must be selected and saved before the lockout time of each race. The lockout time is typically the start time of the 250 race. If you enter a contest but don’t select or save a team before the deadline, you will score zero points. Your entry fee will not be refunded.
  4. If you enter multiple contests or multiple teams in a given contest or pool, each entry requires a separate team selection.
  5. If a contest fills up, new pools for that contest may be created. Players are only competing against other players in the same pool, not the overall contest. Players can not transfer their entry from one pool to another.
  6. If a contest is specified NG (Not Guaranteed), it may be cancelled if all entries are not filled by the lockout time. If there are multiple pools within a contest, only the unfilled pools will be cancelled.
  7. After a round is over and we have posted the results, there is typically a 24-hour delay before players’ wallets are credited with money they have won. A dispute of the results may extend this delay.
  8. Tie breaks: If two or more players tie on total score for a race, the submission date and time for final picks will break the tie (earliest picks win). If a tie still remains, it will be broken in favor of the player who joined that season’s Vital Fantasy the earliest.
  9. Pro Fantasy is only open to players over 18 (19 in Nebraska) in the states shown here. Pro Fantasy can not be played outside of the US. VPN use is prohibited.
  10. Vital MX reserves the right to correct errors at any time. This may result in money being added or removed from players’ accounts.
  11. For the purpose of preventing fraud or to comply with government or banking requirements, Vital MX reserves the right to restrict deposits or withdrawals from a player’s account.
  12. Vital MX reserves the right to modify the rules at any time.
  13. See Terms of Service for more detailed information. 
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