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Neken SFH Handlebars
Vital Review
The Good

More cushioning for your hands. They look good.

The Bad

Not everyone likes super soft grips. Minor instal issues.

Overall Review
Neken has fast become a well known brand of dirt bike control components. Now, they have a new bar with something sneaky up its sleeve. The SFH (Smooth Feeling Handlebars) are 1-1/8th inches in the clamping area, taper smoothly to 7/8ths in the control area, then abruptly taper to about a 1/2 inch in the grip area. Obviously you have to use specific Neken grips and throttle tube that have a smaller inner diameter to match the smaller bar ends, but are much thicker with more grip material that normal grips, making the outer diameter the same as a standard bar/grip combo. Unfortunately they are...
Posted by Klinger on 10/31/2018 5:04pm
Neken SFS Triple Clamps
Vital Review
Overall Review
Review and Photos by Michael Lindsay Wandering the pits at a Supercross race can reveal some pretty trick parts on the top team’s bikes. Earlier this year, I spotted a unique set of triple clamps on Ryan Dungey’s KTM. Instead of standard solid bar mounts, they’d been replacedwith little air shocks! My first thought was about how cool an idea this was, but it was quickly followed by, “There is no way you can buy these.” Well, I was wrong. These clamps are built by a French company known as Neken, and they’re for sale to the public. So we snagged a set of their SFS (Smooth Feeling System)clamps...
Posted by ML512 on 7/22/2014 4:26pm