I find myself yelling at the kids everyday turn that shit off!!! Watch these young you tubers that are dumbing down an entire generation…. I’m getting old like the get off my lawn thread….. but phaaaaaark some of this stuff is so bad all I hear from the TV is “ hey guys” “literally” But is looks like these tubers literally don’t know what literally means…. I could rant all day and then watching other kids play video games I mean WTF… what is the world coming too?
The Shop
So, to sum it up, the viewer is now watching someone, who is watching someone, who is watching someone do something. Three steps away from the action taking place, instead of actually doing it. SMH.
his friends on the other hand... we can police all we want at home but the second he steps one foot out the door it's a whole other story.
i swear to God the movie Idiocracy is coming to fruition.
My girls got “phones” (purposely in quotes because they never talk on them) for their 13th birthday...but we monitor the crap out them, and they don’t have any social media.
My boys are 7 and 10...nothing for them yet.
Pit Row
And I’m trying to give some real life feel to it. The “associations” are very protective over their brands. I’m already expecting at least one “Cease and Desist” notice or an invitation.
TIKTOK is the devil. Never let your kids watch it, it will destroy them
I have been known to set the router so they can't get access to YouTube, but I'm the step dad in this equation and I try to play it cool first.
Anyway, there are 2 key concepts we fall back on to keep the YouTube in check. The first one is easy, but the second one took some patience.
First concept, "Junk food vs. Healthy/Brain food".
We have rules on what snacks they can have. Junk food you need permission. Healthy food is free any time. Things like carrot sticks, an apple, etc.
Same concept for YouTube.
Second, kids have ZERO concept of time.
We asked the kids how much screen time they think they spend per day. They said 2 hours. (Yeah right!).
So we built a sign-up sheet. Each kid had 15 hours of "junk food" screen time allotted per week. SPOILER They blew through that shit in 2 and a half days the first week. After they use their time, no more screen time at all until next week.
The kids now understand how fast an hour can go by on YouTube.
Now if anyone has tips how to keep their mom off Facebook...
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