Mims, FL
Edited Date/Time
10/28/2020 1:26pm
Hey guys!
I am currently building a goggle brand and looking to produce my tear offs in-house. Wondering if anyone has any experience in doing so or has any knowledge on it? I was thinking some sort or stamp or vinyl cutter? Picture is from a vinyl cutter I was experimenting with. I have also heard there is a patent on laminated tear offs? Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Matt Karwat. 20/20 Mx Goggles
I am currently building a goggle brand and looking to produce my tear offs in-house. Wondering if anyone has any experience in doing so or has any knowledge on it? I was thinking some sort or stamp or vinyl cutter? Picture is from a vinyl cutter I was experimenting with. I have also heard there is a patent on laminated tear offs? Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Matt Karwat. 20/20 Mx Goggles
Edit-yeah I think Racing Optics makes the laminates for everyone. I want to say they are the one with the patent but I could be totally wrong.
The Shop
Can't help you with tear offs, but I can help you with a suggestion on patent pitfalls..
Hire at least two patent attorneys to research anything you are doing or plan to do.
Pay the $1000 -$1200 to each and take notes when you are discussing their findings.
Then, find another, highly regarded patent attorney (does not have to be in your town)that cost twice as much per hour and take all your information to them and present your interest and prior information.
Gladly pay the $2500+ they will charge to do a full review.
This will prevent you from massive amounts of work and money spent to only find out that you've been working on something that is patented.
Many times very common product are patented but are being manufactured via a licensing agreement.
Don't assume there not a patent because many companies are doing the same thing.
There are many patent attorneys that suck, and if you don't check their work, you can lose thousands and thousands of dollars to their incompetence.
Ask me how I know.
Good luck!!
After molding you need to have a way to remove flash. Maybe a deburring fixture.
Id suggest consulting with companies you can outsource your work to. Theyre experts.
Racing Optics is the company that has the patent to the laminate process, they do everything from MX and auto racing tearoffs to military-grade window coverings. They're based in Las Vegas, right next to the air force base and motor speedway. It's a legit and impressive operation.
I hope you are going to have a succesful business.
Think paper mill, not stamp =)
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