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Pining for the good old days when we could have get rich and have wars without paying for them.
Negligible force of 150 to remain to protect embassy and assist arms sales
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2051961/Iraq-war-Obama-GOP-deci…
I think the globalists went too far with gadafi. This may be the new version of the tet offensive, the point at which political sentiment turned away.
its definitely the new tet offensive. i just dont see john q public seeing thru it.
That's like me beating you with a baseball bat then demanding you refund me for the purchase of said bat.
Watching her implode is fun
I wonder how many thank you notes we get?
Pit Row
It would be interesting to see what would've happened in Iraq without U.S. intervention during the 'Arab Spring' where we saw many Arab nations stand up to their dictators. From what I understand of the Iraqi people I'd say there was a pretty good chance for an uprising. The problem though is that the population certainly wasn't monolithic; that's why over the last few years Iraq has been more of a civil war than anything.
Im not suggesting anyone stay, Im just wondering. Personally I feel we should have left as soon as we knew we had gotten some really bad Intel concerning WMD.
After 9/11 and talk of the War on Terror I imagined groups of Navy Seals, Green Beret, Delta type units sneaking into countries under the cover of darkeness and surgically taking out a few bad guys here and there. Not starting wars to make money disquised as, fighting them "over there" instead of here.
Labor strikes against the Egyptian government started in 2004 or 2005.
good for him
Those who are wringing their hands about Iran should have recognized that removing Saddam was just playing into Iran's hands in the first place, and they should have opposed the war vehemently. None of them did.
The best way forward is to forge strong American business ties to Iraq and threaten to cut them if they create some kind of political alliance or republic with Iran. But regardless, we can't keep our military there forever. Good for the President for saying he was going to bring those guys home and following through with that promise.
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