San Antonio, TX
Has any statistics ever been completed with supercross versus motocross injury percentage at the pro level? Or even percentage of severe injury? I love watching supercross, it's exciting it's a show, it's got a cool factor with the rhythms and peaky jumps, but I suspect it produces more injury per season then motocross, curious if there has been a Stat produced on this
The Shop
Also, in MX you have 40 guys racing the "main" event, compared to 22 in SX. Do the guys racing for 30th place in MX have the same intensity as the guys racing for 10th? So are they less likely to have bad crashes? Do we even hear about it if somebody like Scott Meshey (to pick a name at random) has a practice crash that keeps him out for 3 weeks?
In general, are guys more or less motivated to return to racing SX compared to MX?
I know people are going to flame me but I really think the product would be much better for both SX and MX if riders got paid to focus on the one they want.
It might even lead to an expanded MX series. Imagine if we could go back to having nationals in March in Florida? Shit, we could do an outdoors series that starts in The southern states when it’s actually nice there so places like Florida and Texas get opportunities to have nationals. Imagine if riders weren’t just riding outdoors with their eye on a vacation and SX training but full invested like the MXGP series is.
I know up till this point it’s been a money issue. But, I’m hopeful this world SX series will finally lead to a split that’s sustainable for both disciplines. And more Moto for us as consumers
I just don't see how you get main stream viewership like you can with SX.
Less money to pay the riders, so the good riders will gravitate to the money.
The bar to be a top tier professional motocross racer shouldn’t also require the ability to be a top tier SX racer.
This is why we keep getting blasted in the MXdN. We’ve got generalists who have to be good at both versus people who can be great at what the love and choose to do.
So maybe early on the product could be a little watered down, but with specialization comes better skill and I think it could even out.
I really think riders are getting paid today to focus on what they want. US riders do both disciplines with the rare SX only deal while the MXGP crowd does their thing. If it ain't broke don't fix it and our current SX & MX in the US works pretty well.
Regarding the World SX series, I am waiting for the series to come together before making any sport chaning predictions. Regarding the MXoN, I don't see how anything you've proposed has any hope for improving the US's chances. It makes my head hurt trying to process the watering down will over time increase riders abilities in a specific discipline.
Pit Row
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