What does everyone think of a 250 2stroke class in between moto one and moto 2 of the nationals and a 2 stroke class In supercross that is full of up and coming amateurs. Kinda like a stepping stone into the pro ranks. It would be good for manufacturer exposure on the main screen and it would be good for the riders getting used to the big environment and it would help build up there strength before jumping on a 250f and getting hurt in sx.
The Shop
There will never be any support besides mom and pop and gofundme.
Dead. Like Ricky said, no time. No tv time. There is no cash return for anyone. If it isn't making money theyr aren't doing it.
A 125 2 stroke support race at every national would sell tickets and give 16 yr old kids a better way to enter the pros. And would help the sport everyone says they want to see grow.
They don't start the first moto until 1:00. Start at 12:00 and add one 20 minute moto.
This industry is cozy and the people that are making money, don't want a change, and they'll do whatever they can to keep it that way. It's quite simple.
What people fail to realise is, it's their money that is funding everything, so ultimately they hold the keys to change.
Looks awesome by the way!
And 125 class, there is a 250 class already.
Time needed to prep the track between races, you must be kidding; they don't do shit to them.
Email from the AMA regarding the "Outdated Double-Displacement Rule", the AMA permits equal displacement racing in amateur motocross and says:
"Regarding the competition rules for AMA Pro Motocross, this series is being operated by MX Sports under contract from the Daytona Sports Group. The AMA has no oversight of the existing rules or the modification of such rules. Please understand the AMA permits equal displacement racing in the amateur 125 and 250 racing classes. I will pass your email on to MX Sports and DMG."
~Bill Cumbow- Director of Racing
These years will go down in history as the "Dark Ages of MX" where management, with their heads up their asses, took several years to reduce the "Double Displacement Rule" advantage given to 4 strokes. It would be so easy to correct this injustice.... 75 cc advantage 2018 & 2019 then 50cc advantage starting 2020.
Pit Row
It is about getting exposure to up and comers and having the grass roots have an occasional glimpse of the big show, and the big show seeing the regional riders without spending a fortune. Even though it says 2 stroke in the title, it just so happens that's what superminis are, and 125's which are right sized for pre-pro rider's and don't add confusion to what is already in the show.
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