Edited Date/Time
10/9/2019 6:54pm
Hi my bike runs and idles well with good throttle response and no problems when snapping the throttle, revs just fine in neutral but when In gear and about to go into powerband around half throttle, it makes a bwaaaaaahh sound like your typical bog. Is this a problem with jets, reed valves or PV? (Or all three?)
The Shop
I reckon his clip is slotted at the top of the needle - to lean.
Sounds like a lean bog, in the area that normally indicates the needle needs adjusting, but before you even start messing with that, be sure that your float level is set properly, and that you don't have any air leak at the intake. If you try to compensate for those issues with jetting, you'll be chasing your tail forever.
Edit to add: time to tear down the top end too to inspect any damage from the slide's shrapnel. The old owner is probably high-fiving himself about now.
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