Edited Date/Time
5/28/2024 3:27pm
Would you run this jug? I've mic'd with a Browne and Sharpe bore gauge.
Service manual says 15mn from mating surface of the head.
My reading is between 2.1262 to 1.1263= 54.008mm
My reading - 54.008mm
Service limit -54.08
I ran a pick very lightly around it . Did not catch any spots . Cross hatching looks "ok" I have a spare cylinder being sent out , 6 week turn around . Would you use this ?
Bike is a 2002 kx125
I’ve ran worse. If it’s not catching, theoretically it should work. You have another one on the way, give it a try.
I would run it if you already have another cylinder out for replating… what’s the worst that could happen? 😂
I'd run it, Just have to ring it more often.
That was my thought process behind it . This cylinder being usable is about the only chance I'll have at being on the track this season.
Thank you guys very much ! Vital rules as always !
The Shop
Fresh rings and send it!
i'd run that . no question.
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