Lancaster, CA
Edited Date/Time
1/27/2012 11:19am
Just saw the video on racer x. R V was the most impressive rookie iv ever seen but watchin that video, I dont know he looked timid , kinda scared like Obama did tonite. Prob just needs time on the bike but I just dont think hes championship material yet.Could be a hard transition. Top 5 maybe but champion not next .yr.
still being dialed. Top 3 for sure, and never count Ryan out of any race no matter who
the competition. Hates to lose, potential unchartered. Anaheim is going to be awesome! 2009 is going to be fun!
The Shop
RV should make the big 2 the big 3 again this year in SX and he and BT can resume their rivalry outdoors!
Maybe RV won't beat James next year.... but timid he is not.
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