Hammonton, NJ
Edited Date/Time
7/22/2024 2:09pm
So my middle son just broke his foot during a moto and is kinda bummed out about getting around budds for the national. Anyone have any suggestions to make it not hell for a 12 year old on crutches?
Walk straight in, through the tunnel under Henry Hill, and set up camp. Can see most of the track from that location and least amount of hills from the entrance.
Budds is probably the best track for viewing on the circuit. From the middle of the infield, he will be able to see most of the race with minimal walking around
I'm in the same boat with a broken foot right now after landing funny off a jump three and a half weeks ago. Trying hard not to let it ruin my summer so I bought everything they sell to try to get through it.
A couple of things to research:
-I use the iwalk 3.0 around the house and just used it to go to a Baseball game. Keeps your hands free so you can carry things. Bought off Amazon with same day delivery.
-The Freedom leg 3.0 also works well too in some cases. I even used it to go the driving range and golf this past weekend and it works pretty well for getting around (but not perfect.) Some people have really good success with this thing and can do everything and some people hate it. I'm in between.
- I bought a used knee scooter off market place and that worked well getting around our local park on fourth of July. It has bigger wheels for going on dirt and grass but it's not as stable as you would think.
Anyway, some things to look into. I'm also much older though. If I was young I would probably go on crutches.
Broke my ankle a few years back and used the Iwalk. My wife brought it home from a friend at her work. I swore I wouldn’t use it but after two days on crutches I gave in. Honestly they’re great. Went to work. I could even do stairs. Get him an eye patch and a parrot and he’s good to go!
The Shop
You didn't say which foot! if it's the left one, CR500. If the right foot CR480
Thanks I’ll look into these. I was originally thinking about one of the knee scooters with the bigger wheels but was waiting to see what the ortho says tomorrow. I feel bad for the kid, got a front flat mid moto and didn’t realize it until he was on the ground landing from a midsize table.
Check out if they allow pit passes. First nationals I went to they were flooded. Denver was very few and far between compared to that.
Verbiage is a little loose and are always a different case. I broke my foot before pala this year and used the full assist e bike around. It’s no suron and gas pedals but you don’t have to use it. See if the kid can borrow one if he doesn’t have one.
Slap some sponsor decals on that cast and get him out there!
Get one of these things.
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