I'm thinking about doing a budget build Rm125 for a play bike. Most likely 2004-07 model as I hear 01-03 weren't very reliable. I've read about having to run a special $30 plug for certain years, anybody know what years and why?? Also 01-03, were they really that bad because Ive found some locally for around$1000-1200 in decent shape, I'd hate to pass on it if it's just minor issues. Thanks guys!
You have to run the expensive plug, all other plug drop the electrode strap and ruin the engine
I researched it and ran the special plug. By the time I changed EIX because I was scared it would come apart, the special plug was no more expensive. And I DID have an EIX come apart in my '05 KX 125 (which is supposed to use the same plug for the same reason) so....
Yes, as mentioned, run the expensive plug.
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