Goldsboro, NC
Edited Date/Time
1/26/2012 5:33pm
our commander and chief the professor is lobbing for the Olympics while practically ignoring his generals. What else could be said?
You cats need to chill, Barry has it all under control.
Doesn't this administration have more important items on their agenda?
The Shop
and this is OK?
Don't you guys get tired of micro-managing what the president should be doing?
Especially since no one really has a clue what that is, or what he actually is doing? Unless of course you happen to have his daily agenda...
You make the call.
Obama can push the button anywhere in the world, so don't worry about it too much.
The truth is if Obama went around and gave everyone 1 million bucks and 2 new cars for free Hannity and Beck and the rest of you dumbfucks would find a way to complain. I'd bet you'd even threaten to give it back. Right?
Could you provide this forum with a list?
You mean to say, 'not privy to'
Pit Row
Spain's King Juan Carlos is there, as well as Brazil's president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Those are the four countries bidding.
'Cooked-up intelligence that you're not privy to'
I have a job to do. You have a job to do, and the President has a job to do.
I wouldn't expect you to tell me how to do my job, nor would I tell you how to do yours.
Last but not least, you shouldn't contemplate how the president does his. We do that at the voting booth. That's where our responsibility stops. If you don't like what you see, the process begins way below the white house, and more at the local levels.
And from right here in my little hometown, too.
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