Scottsdale, AZ
Edited Date/Time
1/27/2012 6:15am
With Gas prices being so high, Riley MX Racing is offering a possible solution for a privateer to get to the races. The guys at Riley MX Racing are willing to take your bike to every national. For $150 a round, Riley MX Racing will haul your bike, tools, ez-up, stand, gas can, some spare parts and gear bag to the race for the rider. Rider is responsible for getting him/her self to the track. If any one is interested, or has questions or concerns, email questions to
On the "team/schedule" section it only shows you are attending 5 outdoor rounds.
The Shop
1. You can stay home and train more inbetween races
2. Less nights in a hotel or sleeping in a van, easier to have a good diet
3. no hassels getting a parking spot or coming and going from the track.
4. Bikes less likely to get stolen at the track vs in a Van at the Hotel
I think people would be surprised the amount of riders and how much they pay to be involved with Teams and their Semi.
This is a sweat deal no sponsor exemptions ect.
$150 race to haul the bikes
MINIMUM $250 airfare R/T x2 with mechanic =$500
Two nights in hotel, $75 night avg, =$150
Least three days care rental ($25day MIN fri/sat/sun) = $75
Meals for two will be at the least $50 a day (fri/sat/sun) = $150
(Friday arrival, Sat practice, Sunday race)
MINIMUM and low balling all the estimates, you're looking at $1025 per race before fees, sign up, race fuel and anything else
At least if you have a van or something, you can sleep in it or carry food/grill to cook and have a greater ability to cut corners financially.
This program would make it EASIER, but I don't agree that it'd be CHEAPER
If it works out for them to use it, great...go for it
(I do also think the insurance question is a good one, maybe bonding also)
That's a great deal for anyone planning on doing any races other than those in their home region. Being home to live during the week between races is a huge factor in the equation, and worth a large chunk of money. They have semi space, so they're looking to deal some of it to other privateer's.....for a great price.
Spam?? Give me a fucking break.
sounds like a sweet and very fair deal.
notice all the cocksuckers that want to sink yer idea even before it gets started? not one of these fucks are fans of can they be?
they should follow hockey or some other lameass sport and leave moto to us fans.
The dude named his price (it isn't free to drive a semi around is it?)
How much is a fair deal FOR the service offered? 150 to tote all that stuff from track to track is pretty fair IMO. Yeah, a bit of salesmanship, but it's far from any kind of ripoff.
Thanks for doing something to contribute to the sport.
Anything less just ruins the fan experience.
Pit Row
No parking set-up.....a place for your shit.....
I paid $500 to get my bike to Glen Helen and back. I was happy for the option.
Anything less just ruins the fan experience.
My question does the racer practice during the week??? I guess you'd have to have a practice bike at home???
But i dont know about the on-the-road privateers...
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