Social Scoop 1

Michael's Picks

Michael's Take: Let's kick this week of with what could've been an epic jump. Keaton, get well soon!

Buttery Films: If this doesn't get you chicks I don't know what does @keatonward sending it! Heal up quick homie!

Michael's Take: Wheelies, sand, ocean... This picture has been with me all week. Everyone needs a moto holiday!

Scorpion EXO: @gforcejarvis bringing you WHEELIE WEDNESDAY from the sands of a completely untouched beach! Would you like to be there riding with him? #scorpionexo #destroyboundaries #r70 #husqvarna

Michael's Take: Ken's been digging in the past to find this clip of Chad Reed. No offense Chad, but I'm getting flashbacks of the local goon at a fair race!

Ken Roczen: @crtwotwo wtf, don't need twice in a row

Michael's Take: Dean putting in the work for MXdN.

Dean Wilson: Nothing super fun about today. Corners bumps and sand. #croom #450

Michael's Take: But Dean has some hidden talents...

Dean Wilson: People ask me why I race motocross... Best swing in the MLB #perfecttechnique #verycoordinated

Michael's Take: The Hill brothers both have great flow on the bike. So let's do a little comparison, Justin's up first.

Justin Hill: Usin some body English to quad this rythem cause my @ktmusa let's me get away with it #greatmachine

Michael's Take: Josh's turn.

Josh Hill: More #straightrhythm practice filmed by @buttery_films @monsterenergy @teamecc @dirtshark @procircuit78

Scottie's Picks

Scottie's Take: The Stewart bros doin' work side-by-side, as they prepare for the RedBull Straight Rhythm.

Malcolm Stewart: #TeamStewart @therealjs7 video cred @chipcali

Scottie's Take: Brett Cue giving back, that's what moto is all about. Good times.

subject's Take: Helping out some kiddos at #camprev - @panicrev @motosportinc

Scottie's Take: I'm really diggin' Jessy Nelson's new number! (my old racing number)

Jessy Nelson: @emeryphoto loving the new @ktmusa @lucasoilproducts

Scottie's Take: Could Nico Izzi be planning a comeback? He sure sends it big in this one.

Nico Izzi: Sendin a lil booter me and @johnyd28 found a dope spot!!!

Scottie's Take: Congrats to Kailub Russel on wrapping up the GNCC title. Way to go Champ!

Orange Brigade: @fmf73 @ktmusa rider @kailubrussel557 Is your 2014 @gncc_racing Champ! #kr557 #armyoforange #ktm #fmf73 #350xc #gncc

Scottie's Take: This is just a rad photo!

Pete Fox: ?? Who can name this sick trick by my bro @twitchthis1 #fox #shiftmx #mx #fmx #moto #motocross #freestyle #foxracing #bikelife #twitch

Scottie's Take: See you next week!

Ryne Swanberg: Been sitting on these @joshhansen100 photos for a few months. Eat your heart out Instagram.

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