Pit Stop: MotoConcepts & Leisure Concepts

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Mike Genova, the man behind MotoConcepts, and the Smartop MotoConcepts Racing team.
The Leisure Concepts headquarters in Spokane, WA. The buildings in the background house everything from powder coating and warehousing, to the MotoConcepts offices.
The Smartop covers are custom-made on this oversized router.
There's a big row of injection molding machines inside the Leisure Concepts building, and they run two shifts a day.
Lots of packaged product awaiting shipping.
Inside the MotoConcepts HQ.
MotoConcepts has a full line of products for your bike, workshop, or trailer.
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We stopped in for a Pit Stop at the Spokane, WA, headquarters of MotoConcepts, and its parent company, Leisure Concepts, before the Washougal National. What we found was a top-notch outfit. Check it out.

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