Amos Miller

Falcon, CO US
Edited Date/Time 1/14/2024 7:34pm…

Get ready, Amos Miller represents all free living Folks.


1/20/2024 10:30am

I'd be curious what Applemans thoughts on big ag and processing plant regulations is . 

There is a view point that the regulations in place for food safety are over reaching and designed perhaps to squeeze out the little guy who otherwise would be able to survive. Just like any other industry that is regulated by the government, big money comes in and buys influence.

Its a been a few years since I quit farming and I could say a lot...but I've come to the conclusion that farming, though we like to think it is sacred and we romanticize the "family farm", is no different then any other business that has been around for a long time. In order to survive you have to either get bigger or find a niche. Just like Walmart dominates and takes over, so do big land owners/processers.   

Dallas, TX US
1/20/2024 3:22pm
I'd be curious what Applemans thoughts on big ag and processing plant regulations is .  There is a view point that the regulations in place for...

I'd be curious what Applemans thoughts on big ag and processing plant regulations is . 

There is a view point that the regulations in place for food safety are over reaching and designed perhaps to squeeze out the little guy who otherwise would be able to survive. Just like any other industry that is regulated by the government, big money comes in and buys influence.

Its a been a few years since I quit farming and I could say a lot...but I've come to the conclusion that farming, though we like to think it is sacred and we romanticize the "family farm", is no different then any other business that has been around for a long time. In order to survive you have to either get bigger or find a niche. Just like Walmart dominates and takes over, so do big land owners/processers.   

I’d say that our ‘conclusions’ are probably very close to the same, whether we had the same road to get to them or not. Farming is a business, not a romanticized idyllic pursuit that a lot seem to think.  Most people who think of it that way are confusing actual farming with hobby farming, and those two things are incredibly different. 

As for the guy/situation referenced in the original post, I think that I prefer as safe of a food supply as possible. This guy had a food contamination issue a few years back that was traced back to his farm that resulted in at least one fatality and a couple of hospitalizations. The fact that he won’t honor his previous agreement to follow the guidelines for food production certainly says plenty. 

The vast majority of regulations I’ve encountered in farming were important and effective. I can’t say that I agreed with every one of them, but that’s probably because I’m not as knowledgeable as people who spend their entire careers studying food safety. 




The Shop

Falcon, CO US
1/20/2024 4:49pm
I'd be curious what Applemans thoughts on big ag and processing plant regulations is .  There is a view point that the regulations in place for...

I'd be curious what Applemans thoughts on big ag and processing plant regulations is . 

There is a view point that the regulations in place for food safety are over reaching and designed perhaps to squeeze out the little guy who otherwise would be able to survive. Just like any other industry that is regulated by the government, big money comes in and buys influence.

Its a been a few years since I quit farming and I could say a lot...but I've come to the conclusion that farming, though we like to think it is sacred and we romanticize the "family farm", is no different then any other business that has been around for a long time. In order to survive you have to either get bigger or find a niche. Just like Walmart dominates and takes over, so do big land owners/processers.   

APLMAN99 wrote:
I’d say that our ‘conclusions’ are probably very close to the same, whether we had the same road to get to them or not. Farming is...

I’d say that our ‘conclusions’ are probably very close to the same, whether we had the same road to get to them or not. Farming is a business, not a romanticized idyllic pursuit that a lot seem to think.  Most people who think of it that way are confusing actual farming with hobby farming, and those two things are incredibly different. 

As for the guy/situation referenced in the original post, I think that I prefer as safe of a food supply as possible. This guy had a food contamination issue a few years back that was traced back to his farm that resulted in at least one fatality and a couple of hospitalizations. The fact that he won’t honor his previous agreement to follow the guidelines for food production certainly says plenty. 

The vast majority of regulations I’ve encountered in farming were important and effective. I can’t say that I agreed with every one of them, but that’s probably because I’m not as knowledgeable as people who spend their entire careers studying food safety. 



Wish you were right,

You do know that the FDA does no testing? it's out sourced to a 3rd party advocate, a proponent of the food or drug they are testing. many times these testing sites have a interest or a conflict of interest depending on which way the lobbyist/Political party leans.

The FDA leans on the company that made the product to test itself. How is that legal?

How many deaths have there been with tainted food/Drugs products under the FDA banner vs folks like Mr. Miller?

My bet the FDA has a much higher rate of death.


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