2016 YZ250F issues

Chipley, FL US
I have a 2016 YZ250F with around 116 hrs on it. I checked the top end, compression is good, cylinder looks fine, head is fine, valves were out of spec so I shimmed them again and everything is in spec. Replaced my wiring harness, air mass sensor, injector like 40 hrs ago, my bike had issues running and I replaced the fuel pump and it ran on a Friday at the track, thought it was good and took it back Saturday, I kicked it, it started up after 3 ish and it idled fine, warmed it up and took it off of the tree I was leaning it against, walked forward and gave it a little bit of gas and it died. I got it started again after replacing the spark plug and it died after riding about 600 feet. Started it up and went half of that and walked it off of the track. I have a multimeter so i looked at my specs and checked everything that was in the owner’s manual for electrical, and nothing there, so I looked at my injector and the o ring was screwed up. And it was a little dirty. I checked my gas and everything was fine. Asked my riding friends and they are all stumped. Would love some help, but would the o ring keep it from running like that or is there another problem on top of that? Ordering another o ring today
Rider 5280
Denver Metro, CO US
12/12/2020 11:48am
Fix the o-ring and see. That's such an obvious issue that there's no sense in speculating further until that's resolved.

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