Corona, CA
Edited Date/Time
1/16/2012 3:48pm
To answer your question to the deleted post.
Rule of Law Stabilization Services are under Special Item number 871-1 Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS).
Best price is established upon the submission of an offer to the GSA. Just like competitive bidding, you submit an offer. Same thing with the Federal Supply Schedules. You submit your offer, it is evaluated, price negotiated if agreed you are awarded.
The US Government Spent $525 Billion in Contracting in 2009
Actual sales from the Federal Supply Schedule, Total Sales: $37,458,488,958
Link to the Federal Supply Schedule info
For the record, Pine Oil Bathroom Cleaner is not a GSA item, it is actually A JWOD item - handled by the Ability one org.
Gutter cleaning would be under FSS 56.
Rule of Law Stabilization Services are under Special Item number 871-1 Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS).
Best price is established upon the submission of an offer to the GSA. Just like competitive bidding, you submit an offer. Same thing with the Federal Supply Schedules. You submit your offer, it is evaluated, price negotiated if agreed you are awarded.
The US Government Spent $525 Billion in Contracting in 2009
Actual sales from the Federal Supply Schedule, Total Sales: $37,458,488,958
Link to the Federal Supply Schedule info
For the record, Pine Oil Bathroom Cleaner is not a GSA item, it is actually A JWOD item - handled by the Ability one org.
Gutter cleaning would be under FSS 56.
871 is professional engineering services and more specifically 871-1 is planning for technology programs.
Strategic Planning for Technology Programs/Activities - Services required under this SIN involve the definition and interpretation of high level organizational engineering performance requirements such as projects, systems, missions, etc.,
and the objectives and approaches to their achievement. Typical associated tasks include, but are not limited to an analysis of mission, program goals and objectives, requirements analysis, organizational performance assessment, special studies and analysis, training, and consulting. Example: The evaluation and preliminary definition of new and/or improved performance goals for navigation satellites such as launch procedures and costs, multi-user capability, useful service life, accuracy and resistance to natural and man made electronic interference.
Contractors are awarded one or more of the following primary engineering disciplines (PEDs), under this Special Item Number:
Chemical Engineering (CE)
Civil Engineering (CI)
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Mechanical Engineering (ME)…
- It's a maximum of a 1,000,000 contract. (Page5) This is 25 times that...
Contract Number: GS-10F-0425M
This clearly isn't a "cafeteria" type transaction; looks to be simply a no bid contract award.
And what did the great savior say about no bid contracts back in March last year you ask?
Obama promises to limit no-bid contracts
Services rendered: $26,000. Thats it. Thats all. What was done?
Working in the interweb world for so many years I thought I had seen it all. These guys pull some crazy shit out of their ass as billable hours. Corporate America hires them. I have had them in companies I have worked for and it only solidifies my thoughts.
Democrats predominately lean on the GSA and pull work in. Clinton had done that. It is also why we see an increase in employment during republican times. I dont know how to read that No-bid contracts nonsense. It reads very vague. Could be pull all the work in house, could be all the work goes to approved contractors. The ARRA has been the biggest bullshit I, and the Contracting Officers I know have had to deal with. I submitted offers eight months ago, they are still pending negotiations with no sign of when they will be looked at.
The Shop
In Norfolk here the big one is MSMO ("mismo" is what they call it ) which is multi-ship/multi option. Each ship used to go out for bid with a work package and now the shipyard has an assigned ship class and negotiates the work as required. Has good points and bad points.
The main thing is the red tape...holy shit the red tape!!!!
Contracting Officers choose to use open comptition, some as sad as it seems don't know it is available.
FAR 8.404 Full
Extract: 'Pricing. Supplies offered on the schedule are listed at fixed prices. Services offered on the schedule are priced either at hourly rates, or at a fixed price for performance of a specific task (e.g., installation, maintenance, and repair). GSA has already determined the prices of supplies and fixed-price services, and rates for services offered at hourly rates, under schedule contracts to be fair and reasonable.'
This has zero to do with the FSS. How many times do you think Haliburton is listed on the GSA? No-bid and GSA are different...
6.302 Circumstances permitting other than full and open competition.
6.302-1 Only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements.
6.302-2 Unusual and compelling urgency.
6.302-3 Industrial mobilization; engineering, developmental, or research capability; or expert services.
6.302-4 International agreement.
6.302-5 Authorized or required by statute.
6.302-6 National security.
6.302-7 Public interest.
Remember the Boeing/Northrop issue a couple years ago with the tankers? That is still being fought.
Contract Award Number: 306-C-00-10-00506-00
The awardee has been awarded a sole-source contract to provide Rule of Law Stabilization services. The award was made under the authority of 40 USC 113(e)(2) and AIDAR 706.302-70 as approved by a waiver (AAPD 03-06) signed by the USAID Administrator on February 15, 2002, and subsequently extended to February 15, 2010.
AIDAR 706.302-70 follows:
Pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 474, Section 706.302-70 of the AIDAR now provides
an exception to full and open competition when foreign aid programs
would be impaired. Overseas contracts of $250,000 or less and
contracts for personal services are specified in AIDAR 706.302-70(b) as
cases in which the requirement for full and open competition would
impair foreign aid programs. In exercising these exceptions, two
limitations must be observed by AID contracting officers: (1) offers
are to be requested from as many potential offerors as is practicable
under the circumstances and (2) a justification supporting less than
full and open competition must be prepared in accordance with FAR
We recognize that preparing individual justifications pursuant to FAR
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