Long Beach, CA
Edited Date/Time
1/11/2012 9:52pm
I’m not talking about that stupid end of America video or Japan or fish falling from the sky. I’m talking about our country and what’s ahead if things don’t change. If there is still somebody that can fog a mirror that doesn’t understand that our government, and possibly our way of life, is headed for the shitter, then they must be in government.
Is there anybody on this forum that believes that this current Congress and federal government will pull our asses out of the fire? I’m talking about all of them. Who will step up?
Just answer that. You cant. You got nothing.
My answer is nobody. Prove me wrong. We are fucked.
Is there anybody on this forum that believes that this current Congress and federal government will pull our asses out of the fire? I’m talking about all of them. Who will step up?
Just answer that. You cant. You got nothing.
My answer is nobody. Prove me wrong. We are fucked.
The Shop
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