Riverside, CA
Edited Date/Time
1/27/2012 10:23am
Global warming is real! If you can make money off of it or get a nice fat government grant to study it, it becomes very real. The only thing that has surprised me with global warming is how long it has taken for the average citizen to find out that there has been major dissent in the scientific community regarding the ...subject. And who is poised to make billions off of "Cap and Trade" "carbon credits", Goldman Sachs.See More
The Shop
There will always be climate change, always has been. Global warming??? Sounds like a moneymaker to me. Pollutants? I agree we need to do all we can to cut down but shipping all the mfg. to China where they cause the majority of the pollution anyway is not the answer. Maybe instead of taxing the fuck out of everyone, the government ought to offer some incentives to bring shit back over here for a change.
Hope and change , hope and change, just more of the same old shit.
And it is completely stupid to restrict our economy for the soul purpose of making a few people a whole bunch of money.
Why hurt the vast majority for the financial/power gain of an elite few???
Anyway, I'm all for cleaning up our environment...but it shouldn't be mandated, and it shouldn't be taxed, and it shouldn't be done on a false pretense.
Defining carbon dioxide as a pollutant and danger to life is specious.
Tell the trees that carbon dioxide is going to be taken away from them. Tell animals they can no longer exhale.
Fining people or businesses for using energy goes to the absurd.
When energy is a global business which is vital to the modern way of life, attempts to tamper with it can have disastrous effects on economies and societies. In a way, the whole global warming fiasco is another attempt at social experimentation.
The artificial boost to gasoline prices in the US two summers ago had some of its planned and desired effects, but a much wider fallout that was perhaps unanticipated by its engineers also occurred which is still lasting.
The resulting decrease in gasoline use met their desire, but has also destabilized the global oil economy, much less the economy as a whole.
Pit Row…
(No cats were harmed in this reply).
And you knew that.
Now I'll remove my tin foil hat.
The document is also being interpreted by developing countries as setting unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.
The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as "the circle of commitment" – but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark – has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalised this week.
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