Weatherford, TX
Edited Date/Time
1/20/2012 3:35pm
I am skeptical about global warming--but I'm skeptical that we are getting the truth from either side. Note that anyone would expect anything less than Faux News to deliberately attempt to manipulate stories...but, it seems to me both sides have some credibility issues.
Fox News chief enforced climate change scepticism – leaked email
Email obtained by Media Matters reveals reporters were under orders to cast doubt on any mention of climate change
Journalists at Fox News were under orders to cast doubt on any on-air mention of climate change, a leaked email obtained by a media monitoring group revealed today.
Rest of the story: Fox News chief enforced climate change scepticism – leaked email
Fox News chief enforced climate change scepticism – leaked email
Email obtained by Media Matters reveals reporters were under orders to cast doubt on any mention of climate change
Journalists at Fox News were under orders to cast doubt on any on-air mention of climate change, a leaked email obtained by a media monitoring group revealed today.
Rest of the story: Fox News chief enforced climate change scepticism – leaked email
At that time, he was speaking about the scientists stating we would run out of oil soon. Not that he agreed with the tactic, but he said if scientist's predictions are not catastrophic, nobody will listen.
I assume the naysayers are similar. They take their point of view to the extreme to get noticed.
It goes on to say: "It is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts, especially as this debate intensifies."
OH MY GOD! Skeptical journalism? You mean journalists shouldn't take a position on a controversial subject?
How ever will I know what to think?
Not politicians and talking heads (left, right or center, no difference) on tv and radio.
It would be like asking Kobe Bryant to rate the 2011 450 MX bikes, or Larry Brooks to rank the top 10 NBA players of all time.
Makes no sense.
The Shop
Then they go on believing what they want to believe anyway, and listen to people who agree with them to reinforce their own beliefs.
You might find a few climate change skeptics who have scientific credentials, but most of the climate skeptics have nothing more than a bully pulpit to qualify their opinions.
There are critics of the moon landing, do you remember the last time a journalist said "the claimed moon landing"?
Regardless, I am still skeptical--I don't think there's many people on the Denier side that have much meat to go with their potatoes though. On the AGW side, I definitely think their is a lot of hyperbole to get people's attention. I don't believe the research and evaluation done to date is nearly as certain as some claim.
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