Matthes' Donnie Hansen podcast (spoilers)

Edited Date/Time 4/22/2016 10:06am
Something I never knew:
Hansen wins the 1982 Supercross AND Outdoor titles against some of the baddest dudes in history: O’Mara, Bailey, Barnett, Magoo, Glover, RJ etc.
Then he asks Honda for a million dollars over three years. Honda says they will pay him $500,000 over two years. Hansen says no, and tells them he will continue negotiating after he goes to Europe for MXDN and Trophee Des Nations.
He goes to Sweden and wins the 250 GP.
Then he crashes in practice for the MXDN, which ends his career. Honda ends up paying him $20,000 for 1983. He is never competitive again.
Amazing to think what could have been with this guy’s career.

Huntington Beach, CA US
4/22/2016 8:20am
Did you catch this podcast in the archives? I've listened to that one before or one about him before unless this is a new one if so I'm going to check Stitcher and get listening right away

The Shop

Sacramento, CA US
4/22/2016 8:49am Edited Date/Time 4/22/2016 9:14am
Always thought Hansen's injury influenced the Production rule. It opened up a spot in '83 for Hannah to leave Yamaha (for no money) but has great success (and bonuses), Lechien heads over to Honda and Yamaha goes to Production bikes in '84 and has a big influence on the rule going into effect in '86.
4/22/2016 9:48am
Ted722 wrote:
Always thought Hansen's injury influenced the Production rule. It opened up a spot in '83 for Hannah to leave Yamaha (for no money) but has great...
Always thought Hansen's injury influenced the Production rule. It opened up a spot in '83 for Hannah to leave Yamaha (for no money) but has great success (and bonuses), Lechien heads over to Honda and Yamaha goes to Production bikes in '84 and has a big influence on the rule going into effect in '86.
Could be. Hannah probably would have won the SX title in '83 if he hadn't broken his wrists.
4/22/2016 10:00am
Isn't Preston Petty Donnie's father-in-law?? It came up in a thread on here awhile ago that Preston was Hanny's grandfather. Seems like the dots are never connected in the media circles though? Judging by the details in the recent Preston Petty GoFundMe, perhaps family ties are strained?
4/22/2016 10:06am
Isn't Preston Petty Donnie's father-in-law?? It came up in a thread on here awhile ago that Preston was Hanny's grandfather. Seems like the dots are never...
Isn't Preston Petty Donnie's father-in-law?? It came up in a thread on here awhile ago that Preston was Hanny's grandfather. Seems like the dots are never connected in the media circles though? Judging by the details in the recent Preston Petty GoFundMe, perhaps family ties are strained?
Yeah, he said that Preston Petty helped him with his negotiations. I am not sure if he is still married to his daughter, though, or whether he is Josh Hansen's grand-dad.

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