GP riders in America

Edited Date/Time 6/6/2015 4:39pm
How many more top GP riders would give a full 17 round series of supercross a try if the world championship was delayed long enough for them to come and still battle for that? AC, herlings, nagl all over in America legitimately trying to win a championship, how do you think they would do, and how many would come?
6/6/2015 4:19pm
Why would it be delayed?
So they can still do their championship, the GPs start around the time Daytona supercross rolls around then they'd have to miss either the beginning of that series or the rest of supercross
6/6/2015 4:39pm
Realisticly speaking it would very likely be French or German riders i'd say. They are pretty much the only countries with respectable Supercross series. For some reason especially French show allot if interest in SX not sure why that is, maybye by looking up to riders as JMB & Vuilleman , Roncada etc ..

Then again i'd say none of the GP riders would risk getting injured at an SX in USA. Maybye if there was some internatitonal SX series it'd be more appealing to have riders of both sides compete. During the late 90s this actually excisted under the name 'World championship supercross". I think in 2003 there was a similair series sponsored by Amp'd i recall REED and McGrath doing a supercross in Arhnem, Netherlands.

Maybye someday in the future we'll see another series like this ... but i highly doubt it.

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