Vital MX Pit Stops: P3 Composites and 2

Who doesn't love some carbon fiber goodies? See what goes into their production, and we also make a stop in at AOMC to check out the dealership and mail order side of the business.

Whether they're protective (like disc guards, two-stroke pipe guards, frame protectors, or skidplates), or decorative (tank covers), who doesn't love some cool carbon fiber goodies? We're definitely in the carbon-lover club, and we recently made a Vital MX Pit Stop at the headquarters for P3 Carbon, in Hurricane, WV. But that's just half the story. We also got a peek in at Jamin's other business, AOMC, which includes a very cool dealership and mailorder business.

First up, listen in with GuyB and Jamin to learn some background on P3 Composites, and what's in their product line.

Above you'll find the CEO, Jamin Jones (left); and Project Manager, Adam Angelona (right).

Here's a batch of finished products.

Here's the skidplate that Jamin mentioned in the audio that was used by Kailub Russell over a GNCC and National Enduro season. It still looks in great shape, and that's probably a nod both to Kailub's skill, and the toughness of the product.

Alex Martin has been running some of P3's shroud extenders on his Troy Lee Designs/Red Bull/KTM.

Next up is what goes into the production, with GuyB and Adam.

The material will depend on the application (heat, strength, or both), and there are obviously some color options.

Trimming material for a skidplate. If they don't have something in stock for a customer order, it'll get built the same day that they receive the order, and shipped the following day.

Here are some of the molds used (with more in the background).

Laying up the various materials before adding the back half of the mold.

Clamping the halves together during initial curing.

Finished pieces awaiting trimming and finishing.

Hand finishing is very labor-intensive. These guys do a good job of hand-finishing the parts.

Phase three here is the tie-in with AOMC...both the dealership and the mail order business. There's a lot going on in this corner of West Virginia.

Here's the home of AOMC...both the dealership and mail order side. Check out all those solar panels. There are demo trails on site, and they link up to a bunch of other off-road riding in the area.

Tons of goodies are in stock.

You'll see some things on the floor that you might not see anywhere else, like this Polisport clear plastic kit.

There are some cool replica bikes sprinkled throughout the dealership, and they've got everything from minis to rally bikes and Husky's latest Vitpilen and Svartpilen street bikes.

Upstairs you'll find the ordering and customer service area.

Thanks for the hospitality, gang...this made for a cool few hours, and a very worthy Pit Stop.

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