2015 Sponsor List 1

It's that time of year again, where you apply for support from your favorite companies for the upcoming racing season. Below you'll find info on companies who are looking to provide support, how to apply, where to visit them, and the deadline (if any).

How to Apply: Visit Them At: Deadline:

Acerbis USA
Visit hookit.com/brands/acerbis. Sign up for a free account, review the specifics of our program, and submit your application electronically.
Mail a paper copy of your resume to:
Acerbis USA
Attn: Rider Support
P.O. Box 2030
Sun Valley, ID 83353
Email your resume to: support@acerbis.com
acerbis.com December 31, 2014

ANSR Racing
Resumes can be submitted through answerracing.com/support. You can also sign up for sponsorship online at mxsponsor.com. answerracing.com October 31, 2014

To apply please send your resume to racing@axo.com or apply through hookit at hookit.com/axoracing Product information and catalog can be found online at axo.com


CST is gearing up for its first-ever sponsorship program in 2015. The company is now accepting applications from riders, drivers, teams and event coordinators at both the grassroots and professional level.

Application forms, which should be submitted online, can be found here: csttires.com/us/getsponsored/. Mailed applications will not be accepted. Applicants may attach event proposals, racing resumes and photos to their application if so desired, and will be notified of their application’s status by November 11.

For more information, visit CSTtires.com.

October 31, 2014.

Potential sponsored riders, drivers, teams and event coordinators will have until December 1 to accept CST’s sponsorship.

DeCal Works

Typically riders apply each year for support; however, DeCal Works Lifetime Support eliminates the annual application process while increasing rider sponsorship levels, benefits and rewards. To apply for Lifetime Support, log on to decalmx.com and sign up electronically.

Visit them at www.decalmx.com and follow us on Twitter (@DeCalWorks), Instagram (@decalworks) and Facebook (facebook.com/DeCalWorks). September 1st and runs through November 30th, 2014. Riders who miss the November 30th deadline may still apply by paying a one-time administration fee of $59.95.

Dubach Racing Development
Racers can request support from DR.D in one of three ways; by emailing your
resume to rider.support@dubachracing.com, utilizing HookIt.com and lastly, by
mailing your resume directly to DR.D at 2038 Second St., Norco, CA 92860.
For more information regarding racer support you can email
dubachracing.com ASAP

DT-1 Air Filters

Support riders will use mxfilters.com to place orders online. Email your resume to support@mxfilters.com and become part of our team.



Dunlop is proud to announce the launch of a new, completely revised website, powered by Hookit, for Team Dunlop at teamdunlop.com.

Team Dunlop riders can enjoy special tire pricing, rider support, tire tips, the opportunity to network with other riders and the ability to post videos, photos and new updates to gain exposure on this special members-only website.

Visit teamdunlop.com today and check out all the possibilities that open up with membership in the Team Dunlop community and start dreaming about what the new season might bring!

For more information, visit dunlopmotorcycle.com.

Engine Ice

Engine Ice, a high-performance coolant and the powersport industry’s number one engine coolant, announces their 2015 sponsorship programs powered by Hookit.

To join the Engine Ice team and for more information about specific requirements for our sponsorship program visit: hookit.com/brands/engineice1/.


EVS Sports

To be considered for the EVS Sports Rider Support program, please apply using one of the following methods.

EVS Sports
PO Box 296
Walworth, WI 53184

Apply online: mxsponsor.com/companies/EVS


November 15, 2014

Factory Effex
For more information and specific requirements about our program visit hookit.com/brands/factorye.

factoryeffex.com The program will be open to Motocross and Sport Bike Racing athletes from 9/19/14 – 12/31/14.

Just send a current resume to robert@galferusa.com. Be sure to indicate in the subject line which disciplines you plan to race in 2015. (Examples: Supercross, Motocross, GNCC, Road Race, ATV, etc.) Facebook: facebook.com/GalferUSA
Instagram: @GalferUSA
Twitter: @GalferUSA
Web: GalferUSA.com
Galfer USA will be accepting resumes for Motocross/ Supercross ONLY from now through November 30, 2014.

Support levels and agreements vary by company, but can range anywhere from product discounts to free products and beyond (based on talent and marketability). To apply for free to the best brands in motocross, head to hookit.com/motocross. Connect at hookit.com, facebook.com/hookit, instagram.com/Hookit/#, twitter.com/hookitcom

IMS Products
Apply now at Hookit.com, click on the Athlete Programs tab on the top of the IMS Products Page. For more information about IMS Products call them at 800.237.9906, follow them on Twitter (@IMSProducts), Facebook (facebook.com/IMSproducts) and Instagram (@IMSProducts).

JT Racing

JT Racing will be offering a multi-level program and accepting a limited number of sponsorship applications for each level of amateur and professional athletes.

For consideration, please send a resume with a cover letter and photo(s), presented in a professional manner, by email to ridersupport@jtracingusa.com with the subject line 2015 Sponsorship.

October 31, 2014

JT Sprockets

For more information and specific requirements visit the JT Sprockets Hookit Profile: hookit.com/brands/jtsprockets/.

For more information contact Rider Support at 800-749-2890. Connect at: facebook.com/jtsprockets.

Maxima Racing Oils
You can send your resume via email to racesupport@maximausa.com. MaximaUSA.com October 15, 2014

Mika Metals
Support riders will use mikametals.com to place orders online. Email your resume to support@mikametals.com and become part of the team.

Moto Hose
Moto Hose is accepting sponsorship resumes to info@MotoHose.com MotoHose.com


For more information and specific requirements visit Moto-Master's Hookit Profile: hookit.com/brands/motomaster/.

For more information contact Rider Support at 800-749-2890. Connect at: facebook.


To apply please send your resume with race results via email or snail mail to the addresses below before the Dec 1st deadline. Be sure to include an email address in your resume as all rider contracts will be sent via email.

Email: support@motorexusa.com

Attn: Rider Support
900 Mendelssohn Ave. N.
Golden Valley, MN 55427

motorexusa.com Riders are encouraged to apply before December 1st, 2014 as all riders applying after this time will not be considered for 2015.

180 Decals

180Decals has introduced their SponsorAll program. Anyone can sign and return this contract for an instant sponsorship. No need to send resumes and wait to hear back.

Check out all their 2015 products and programs at 180Decals.com

Follow @180Decals.

O’Neal USA

If you would like to be a part of the O'NEAL racing family please send your Race Resume to Marc Shear at: mshear@onealusa.com

All skill levels and disciplines are welcome to apply through: hookit.com/brands/onealmoto, mxsponsor.com or xtrm.com.

They're also accepting Sponsorship requests for Blur Optics and Azonic MTB.

Check out all of their brands at: www.oneal.com

Motocross and ATV riders of all levels are encouraged to apply to become part of the 2015 PanicREV Alliance. Get your resume ready and send it in!

Resumes can be submitted through email to john@panicrev.org.

You can also submit a resume at mxsponsor.com/panicrev

Be sure to check out PanicREV @
December 31st, 2014.

Pro Circuit

Follow the link below and fill out their online resume.


You can also send your resume by mail:
Pro Circuit Products, Inc.
2771 Wardlow Road
Corona, CA 92882


ProFilter Air and Oil Filters
You can send your resume via email to racesupport@maximausa.com. ProFilter.com October 15, 2014

Pro Taper
Resumes can be submitted through their website at protaper.com/support. You can also sign up for sponsorship online at mxsponsor.com.

Instagram: @protaperusa
Twitter: @protaperusa
Facebook: facebook.com/protaperusa

November 31, 2014

Race Tech

Become an #RTRipper - Apply for support by filling out an application here, emailing your resume to RiderSupport@racetech.com, or apply through RealMotocross.com.

As an #RTRipper, you will also be able to participate in their Associate Sponsor Program and get additional support from companies like FMF Racing, Novik Gloves, MotoE Performance, and Ride Engineering.

Check out our website at: www.racetech.com.
Like Race Tech on Facebook
Follow @RaceTechSuspen on Twitter


To apply for sponsorship from Renthal you must visit their dedicated sponsorship website at renthal.com/support, which allows you to upload all your information and attach a resume in Word or PDF format.

For more information:

* Website: www.renthal.com
* Facebook: facebook.com/RenthalRacing
* Twitter: @Renthal_Moto
* Instagram: @Renthal_Moto
* E-mail: info@renthal.com

Ride Engineering Inc.
Riders should follow the guidelines listing on its website at ride-engineering.com/sponsor.php#sponsor or on its mxsponsor page at mxsponsor.com/companies/ride-engineering-2 ride-engineering.com

Scar Racing

For more information and specific requirements visit Scar Racing's Hookit Profile: hookit.com/brands/scarracing/.

For more information contact Rider Support at 800-749-2890. Connect at: facebook.com/scar.racing.


There are two ways in which you can apply, either directly via email or through Hookit's athlete program. Please visit the Rider Support page within their site for further instructions & info! Product info, online catalog, news, photos and more at:
November 30, 2014

Twin Air

For more information and specific requirements visit Twin Air's Hookit Profile: hookit.com/brands/twinair1/.

For more information contact Rider Support at 800-749-2890. Connect at: facebook.com/twinair.filters.

Think! Technology
Beginning immediately, THINK! Technology will be accepting resumes from racers of all skill levels for their program. From Factory Satilite Teams to first time Racers, all are invited to participate. Please forward all resumes to; Info@thinktechology.us thinktechnology.us


For more information and specific requirements visit TMV's Hookit Profile: hookit.com/brands/tmv1/.

For more information contact Rider Support at 800-749-2890. Connect at: facebook.com.

Works Connection
Works Connection’s Rider Support Program is in its 25th year and is actively looking for riders to be a part the program. Support levels range from Beginner up through the National level. The program is open to riders of all disciplines including, but not limited to, Motocross, Supercross, Off-Road, Flat Track, Hill Climb, Supermoto, Speedway, Endurocross, Trials, ATV and action sport athletes.

Click Hookit and apply for your sponsorship today.
See what brings home championships at www.worksconnection.com
Deadline to apply is 12/31/14.

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