(April 24th, 2008, Valencia, CA) Renthal team riders romp through Vegas claiming 18 Championships at the 2008 World Mini GP.
Renthal riders raised the bar for their competition in Vegas as many riders claimed multiple championships throughout the week. Jessy Nelson, Max Antsie, Dean Wilson, Justin Barcia, Stone Edler and Sean Cantrell were just some of the standouts who topped the podium on more than one occasion during the event.
“After wrapping up the AMA Lites East title with Trey Canard on the Pro side this past weekend and having our Amateur riders do so well in Vegas, it’s been a very good week for us and we couldn’t be prouder of our riders.” Stated Jeremy Garges, Director of Amateur Rider Support for Renthal.
For more information, please contact Renthal Support at 800-749-2890 or info@renthalsupport.com or visit www.renthal.com.
Renthal is a worldwide leader in manufacturing and design of motorcycle handlebars, chainwheels, grips and accessories for the off-road, street, and ATV markets. Currently, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, and Suzuki all specify Renthal handlebars as stock for their performance off-road motorcycles. Renthal’s world class manufacturing and engineering facility is located in Stockport England which makes Renthal unique in that it’s one of the few companies that manufactures product in-house. This ability to control the entire manufacturing process from start to finish ensures that the end user is receiving the highest quality product available. Renthal’s handlebars and chainwheels have won more US and worldwide titles, 130 and 90 respectively, than any of its competitors combined.