2011 kx450f intermittent spark

Othello, WA US

This topic has been covered multiple times on here but no one ever says what solved their problem or if they got it solved. One day I decided to change oil on my bike before I’m going on a long dirt bike trip so I start the bike starts fine I warm it up to change my oil. I shut it off proceeded to change my oil and oil, filter and air filter fill it back up start it starts fine so then I Park it two days later, I load it into the trailer we drive eight hours away to go to the sand dunes get to the dunes unload it bike won’t start. So I spend the whole day trying to get it started. The local bike shops arent a Kawasaki dealer so they wouldn’t even attempt to help me out. It’s not there their brand bike so that really pissed Me off. Anyways, I get back home and open my manual and go through the electrical testing. My coil, barely failed the test had slightly more resistance than spec, but it was more than specs so I replaced the coil. Once I replace the coil, I still had no spark so in looking on forms, they said to disconnect the capacitor feed it power through that orange wire, and I do that still no spark my buddy comes to help me and I don’t know what we did we we jumped the coil. We fed power directly to the coil, made sure the coil was good. It sparked And we can’t find anything so we hooked everything back up and we’re getting spark I’m like what the hell and so then we put the spark plug in tank on and it starts. Sounds good runs great. Ran it for about 15 seconds and then shut it off and to see if it’ll turn back on won’t turn back on have no spark  Again, so I’m banging my head against the wall and decide to go through all the electrical test Once again this time the voltage regulator fails so replace that and still no spark. Anyone have any idea where I should go now I’ve tested all the different connectors I tested the Killswitch I tested the stator. I cannot test the voltage on the magneto because it says test at 4000 RPMs and I can’t get the bike running but tested the crank sensor the coil tested the capacitor I tested the wires in between the ECU and the coil I just I’m stumped hopefully someone will give me some help 


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