Would you pay for an MXoN game/DLC?

Shawnee Mission, KS US

I have been going through my old MXGP games from milestone & played the MXoN mode in MXGP3. TON of fun & a pretty cool thing to have in the game. Not sure why Milestone stopped offering. I Have heard a new studio has taken over development of the MXGP series, so I was wondering who would like to see that feature come back? 

Myself personally would like to see it as a a standalone release (MXoN the official game or something) that gets an annual DLC update - I.E. the game releases in 2023 & the base game would be based off this years MXoN (location, teams). 2024 would be a paid DLC that offers updated roster & a new venue. BUT if you want to go back & race Ernee with the 2024 MXoN teams, you can. 


I doubt a dev would go through on making a full game like that, so I'm thinking a paid DLC that releases before/after the event would probably make more sense. 




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