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"You like apples?", do you like apples? I got her #, how do you like those apples?"
One of these days you losers will catch on, and then it'll be too late. In fact, it already is.
The Shop
any day now....
"Bush Did It"
"The Right is Evil"
"The Tea Party is Ignorant"
How's that for "Tiresome"?
Oh, I left out all your hate and ignorance for ANYONE that has a dollar and doesn't want to give it away...didn't I?
Yup, sure, I'm a hater...
Here's the thing: You guys have your Tin-foil hats, your "Cheney's-in-Charge", "Bush caused Katrina" and all that.
The rest of us?
We have common-sense.
You can call me disgruntled with the world, but never did I say when Bush was president that the country was completely ruined beyond repair like the ashamed conservatives suddenly turned "all politicians are evil crooks that have ruined the earth so we should all just lay down and die" curmudgeons that you're defending.
Nacho has always admitted to it, you should learn to get past the denial and do so as well.
Could you elaborate on that a bit for me. What is it that I can do? How do I go about holding these politicians accountable?
Im certainly one of those that sees everything as FUBAR. And while I cant speak for anyone else, I will state that my frustration comes from the feeling that I "cant" do anything about it.
I'm saddened by your use of prose that are beyond your comprehension...a VERY far reach, at best.
You are an ass as is shown by your bitterness: "ruined beyond repair" shows your lack of intellect.
More to the point: It makes your position clear.
And let's be clear: I defend no-one.
You see the world thru your lil' DARK "tinted classes".
I see the world with my own eyes, education and wit.
Where-as you fight your fight with these computer-keys...
Some of us went to these institutions and played with the fundamental ingredients of the universe (as shown in your lil movie) whilst fools argued about their limited knowledge of their own shitty existence and spout shit about all the things they didn't understand.
I hope this clears a few things up for you.
Btw, I accuse NO-ONE of saying "Empty-Words", you stupid-arrogant-lil'-finger-pointing-fuck: I hope he finds the staff & conviction to Fulfill them.
I'm of the opinion that my President is a good man surrounded by sharks.
Go read your negativity into someone-else's words. Hopefully, in the mean-time, you'll get a clue.
Someone who could really give a fuck if he spelled ANY of this right...
Paint yourself as an intellectual all you please, you're just another partisan hack. Nothing more, though possibly something less.
You've done a fabulous job of labeling and categorizing EVERYONE in your typically "Tolerant & Liberal" way.
That's the thing, isn't it?
You self-appointed-know-it-all-intellectual-wannabes...
You're weak-assed arguments always lose in the face of truth and logic; so, you go the "emotional" route.
I'm not too worried about it.
I learned this lesson early on.
"Something less".
I was about 16 when I remember 1st laughing about these things...
Damned DirecTV had the sound tracking all f'd up though. It was actually getting worse by the end of the movie. You know, when it's off just a little, it's really annoying. When it's off by a handful of words, it's so bad, you just ignore it and give up hope that it will be corrected in the next scene.
Ya'll can go back to your regularly scheduled pissin' and bitch fest now.
All one has to do is scroll up to see you braying like a jackass while committing this foolishness. You're the conservative version of NachoDaddy. At least have the braincells and balls to accept it, admit and deal with it like he does.
Post a reply to: Will Hunting had it right 14 years ago.