Golden, CO
Edited Date/Time
1/24/2012 12:39pm
I messaged ewb about this, but thought I'd throw it out here because I think it's specific to our printer model. Here it is:
I've tasked the kid to install our Samsung printer driver and get it working with the Linux machine. He is talking through the computer's USB port to the printer. We do not have a network. The OS sees the printer, and the printer will print on command, but it does not print what appears on the page. Instead, it prints:
POSITION : 0xd3 (211)
SYSTEM : H6FW/os_hook
VERSION : QPDL 1.17 04-02-2003
Any ideas what's going on? How to fix it?
I've tasked the kid to install our Samsung printer driver and get it working with the Linux machine. He is talking through the computer's USB port to the printer. We do not have a network. The OS sees the printer, and the printer will print on command, but it does not print what appears on the page. Instead, it prints:
POSITION : 0xd3 (211)
SYSTEM : H6FW/os_hook
VERSION : QPDL 1.17 04-02-2003
Any ideas what's going on? How to fix it?
Level, there are several ways you can install. From what I remember, there was a graphical installer version, and there was one that was more text-ish. I tried the graphics-style, and it would hang, too. I then used the text style, and it worked.
Ubuntu may use something else, or a different port. If nothing happens when you do that, read the Ubuntu docs on printer setup. If they don't have the CUPS docs. Specifically look up your printer model and verify there is a decent driver for it.
Very dissappointing.
JT, I thought you were going to network that linux box? I was trusting you to work out all the bugs then you and your son can come down to Texas and get it all up and running around my place.
The Shop
Feel better?
Actually, I did not vote for Bush. Was out of state during each of the two elections...not knowing that was going to happen, I didn't get my early vote in.
Now, that said, in the presidential race, I knew that my vote meant nothing because Bush would win Texas hands down.
BUT, the first go around I was going to vote for Bush despite my better judgement...mainly because I really didn't like, a friend of mine is a major Bush fanatic and she kind of convinced me that there was more there.
The second vote, I would have voted against Bush--but, I don't think I could have brought myself to vote for Kerry. Either way, there was no good choice.
My kid is responsible for getting the Linux network running. I really don't need it. I thought it'd be a good "science" project for him. I've given him about 2 to 3 years to get it up and running. He's actually worked on it a bit, got his feet wet, so to speak, and is doing pretty well. He wanted to do this, but I don't think he knew what he was actually getting himself in to. He's getting a good feel for it right now. :-D
engineers...geek runs in their genetics. Poor kid, may have to report you to child services.
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