Evansville, IN
Edited Date/Time
1/26/2012 4:15pm
Outside of Spam is there any need for a moderator?
Free Ringer!
Free Lenny!
Free Horndog!
Free Chalmers!
The Shop
You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. Its almost a full time job watching these jackasses keep creating names over and over.
If memory serves you have said far worse things and never gotten clicked! Nothing personal just an observation.
Who has that picture with the guy hunched over his computer, and his wife from the bedroom "Come to's 3:00 in the morning"....and he says "Just a minute hunny...someone is WRONG on the internet".
If people didn't take this crap so serious moderators wouldn't be needed.
Difference is, I don't come on here or elsewhere whining about it so people go on "Free Dave" crusades.
I take my click like a man and say nothing and take a little vacation
GuyB has been very clear, the more you get clicked, the shorter and shorter your leash gets, until you're no longer allowed on a leash at all.
I personally have no issue with Lenny, but as has been said, if you let him back, it'll be the same shit again in a short time
How many people have to run to the Mods and complain?
I received a stern email from a certain mod once that stated i might have gotten a little carried away. So I took appropriate action.
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