Snivell and wine!!!

Oceanside, CA US
Edited Date/Time 1/20/2012 3:20am
It was Jan 3rd when I first hyperxetended my left knee in a corner, then twisted it 180 in Feb while getting out of the F350. My first surgry in April was arthrescopy and I lost 1/3 of both sides of the meniscus, part of which was torn and flipped so I couldn't straighten my leg. I sold all my stuff, and was waiting for a final decision when or if to buy another bike. I just had my next pre op for ACL replacement on Aug 13th, and they said that half way through the recovery (6 mos. min) I should take care of the right knee I'd been ignoring. My knee is strong and I can surf with a good knee brace, but now I'm actually scared to get back on a bike. A friend was over with a YZ250F and before I even kicked it over I chickened out. I've quit at least a dozen times over 40+ years riding, and didn't race for 25 years. I had a blast with Vet X, REM and Old Timers for almost two years. My worst injuries have been during practice, and now I'm just chicken to not be able to walk next time. Wow, I'm just a watcher now.
Virginia Beach, VA US
7/15/2008 7:50pm Edited Date/Time 4/16/2016 7:38pm

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