Edited Date/Time
6/3/2016 12:47pm
So I just started riding again after a few years off and wanted to take a week long moto trip with my brother to Albuquerque in the next few months. I use to live there and loved all the places to ride but I'm not sure what is still there or whats new. We will get there on a Sunday and leave on Friday so I don't know if Sandia will be open but from Google Maps it looks like the track at the end of Northern is still there. Is the Gravel Pits in Moriarty or the track at the end of south Eubank still there? I also remember some sand dunes south of the detention center, is that still open? Again, I'm open to new places also as long as they are a couple hours from Albuquerque or on the way back to TX going east. Thanks for the help!
The Shop
Lots of fun sand tracks to ride in Rio, especially after a good rain.
Honestly, though, (if you can time it right) you should try to hit a track or two in Amarillo. They have a couple of amazing tracks over there!
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