The Dirty Dozen: 2007

Trying to distill the thousands of photos that I shoot each year into just slightly more than a couple handfuls isn’t easy. It would have been easy to go for the easy route and say, “Ah, the top 50 will work.” But I value your time more than that. You’ve got a finite amount of surfing time, and I don’t want to waste it with a bunch of filler that’s designed to do nothing more than generate page views.

That’s why I picked a dozen (well, a baker’s dozen) to represent the best of what was found here during 2007 on Vital MX. Yeah, it’s a little limiting, but they’re all shots that I really like. I did also take into account the voting that you guys did as well. You can always rate the photos that are in the galleries, and it’s a cool way for me to see what you guys like…and don’t like.

While I don’t like to get locked into one style of photography, if I had to pick some elements that I frequently find in what I shoot, it would have to include that the photos are often shot fairly tight, and I try to keep the backgrounds extremely clean. That way we show off the style and speed of the riders, and minimize distractions.

I hope you dig the result (click the link above to get there), and as always, I look forward to trying to up my game during the new season.



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