Andrew McClure
About Me
My Name is Andrew McClure,Home town Herlong CA 96113.I've got a 2006 Kx 250 2 stroke,I have fun riding around Herlong for those who dont know where herlong is (LONG STORY SHORT)MIDDLE OF NOWHERE 50 miles to nearest city Reno NV nearest good SIZED town Susanville CA 30 MILES
. now ME iM NOT A VERY GOOD RIDER because the first real bike I got was my 06 Kx 250 i've had it for only 1/2 of a year lol went to a pro's track Matt bussell if you now him well I got some gear from him went back to my house got my bike went back to his house forgot to rais my shifter could not shift into 4th to Clear 65 Ft' Table top what happened next (BAD CRASH GOT NOCKED OUT GOT A CONCUSHION AND FRACSHERD HIP oppS). IF YOU ARE A BEGGENER DO NOT GO TO A PRO'S HOUES YOU WILL DO SOMTHING STUPID.Thanks for reading this and take my advise dont do it.Dont you hate when you hurt your self and cant ride for a long time and your not as good as you were befor the crash. It's not getting hurt I worry about it is not being able to ride my bike. That's my opinion.
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