Press Release

ARX This Sunday at Glen Helen!

Click on this link and get a $1 off coupon for Glen Helen gate fee.
Track Walk
you are out on your track walk, we support your decision 100% to remove
rocks or debris that may have been churned up during track prep. We do
our best to provide you with the best track possible but even we miss a
rock now and then. Also, if you see a dry spot and there is a hose
nearby, go ahead and soak it down if you feel the need, we won't hold it
against you. Be careful though, those hoses can knock you down if you
aren't ready for the blast!
Back-to-Back Racers
you are racing classes back-to-back, please let the Max, the starting
line coordinator, know about it before the first race of the day. We
know it is tough to race back-to-back motos but please try to make it to
the starting line as quickly as you can. This keeps the other guys from
waiting and lowers the chance of the race taking off without you.
you aren't on facebook, you are missing out on thousands of race photos
and a whole lotta bench racing. We have some real comedians in our club
and they never fail to disappoint when they are on facebook.
Parts For Sale
parts you want to sell? Need a part and can't find it? Use our facebook
page to sell what you've got or find what you need. We average about
50,000 views per month on facebook so your odds of success are pretty
darn good!
Birthday Bucks
If you have
a June birthday, show us a driver's license (or other proof of
birthday) and the second class you enter is FREE this Sunday!
Thanks for racing with American Retrocross!

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