Anyone here ever swap between the two mufflers and notice a difference in performance or sound? I have the RV Works pipe and cheaped out and originally got the R304 silencer to pair with it. Its super freaking loud, and I had a bit of a tough time getting it jetted correctly. It also fits super super tight to the point of it taking almost every amount of strength I have, plus some penetrating oil, to get it slid onto the head pipe the whole way. Sorry that was a bit of a rant. Anyways, I found a lightly used Ti-2 for sale for a good price and thought why the hell not. The muffler looks to be the same length, but the stinger part in the end cap is noticeably smaller than the R304. I just wonder if the R304 didn't pair well with the RV works pipe. I also hope this one isn't near as loud.
YZ125 R304 vs Ti-2 silencer
Edited Date/Time
8/13/2023 6:57pm
It’ll be loud if it’s the shorty? We had the Ti-2 shorty and switched to the factory 304 (longer) and it’s much better. The shortys are ear splitting.
The R304 I had on it just seemed way too loud. It's like no packing raspy loud. I thought the Ti-2 was just a carbon fiber and titanium version of the R304, but there is some differences now that I have both. Did you notice a difference in performance with the longer 304 over the Ti-2?
No difference in performance whatsoever.
Try repacking your shorty silencer with new packing that is pulled apart some and is “fluffy” when installed. In my experience this helps tremendously to deaden the sound.
The Shop
In the past I found the stock silencer to be quieter, helped with over rev, and made the power delivery smoother.
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