Lake Geneva, WI
How many frequently remember their dreams ? I mostly remember mine . What's odd is as I've gotten older my dreams are mostly populated with strangers . It's seldom that there are people in my life in my dreams and there is often times a negative or threatening feeling coming from these people , or just a dangerous situation.
My wife always tries to find a reason or meaning in dreams but I've always been of the mind they are mostly random . Of course events and people in your life can influence what you dream but personally Ive never found much of a connection.
Any thoughts on this ?
I seldom remember dreams...
Most common, is that I'm chasing someone/thing...either running, or on my dirt bike...but its like I'm trying to run in water, or like the bike has no power at matter how hard I try I can just never go as fast as I want.
Had a dream a couple nights ago, that my dog got attached by this pack of other dogs...killed two of them, and then when I got ho me I realized he was badly injured and died?
I'm of the opinion that they are usually random and meaningless though...
My wife only remembers the dreams when I cheat on her- then she is mad at me all day.
I occasionally remember mine- The crazy ones are the dreams you have that actually happen later in real life. It happens to be every once and a great while- one time not long ago I actually very vividly remember dreaming prior what was actually happening. This phenomenon really makes me wonder how much of our life is pre-determined…
My most common dreams are when I am trying to get somewhere and my legs are really heavy and I can hardly move/walk.
Another odd one I have often is that I am back in high school and can’t find any of my classrooms..
I've never experienced a dream that actually happened later in life , that's really interesting .
Not being able to find a classroom in high school .... had that , recently as a matter of fact .
There was one dream I remember vividly from when I was 7 or 8 and then had the same dream in my teens . I'm wandering through these corridors with bright red carpet and recessed lights . I finally make it to the end . A wide set of stairs leading up into the woods . It's night and there are lines of other kids and their parents are picking them up . Both times I woke without ever seeing my parents .
My dreams are always about getting my luggage stolen which consist of surfboard bags and loads of expensive camera gear. It's always the same concept - we are preparing for the flight home and all my bags are missing. I usually wake up at that point and very glad to learn it was a dream.
Anyway, great song:
The Shop
I never remember mine, convinced I never have any.
Random fact I read, not sure if it’s true but it makes sense:
You’ve seen everyone in your dreams in real life. Apparently your brain can’t generate a random face, so it uses actual faces you’ve seen. That “stranger” in your dream could be some guy you saw at the grocery store or some lady you saw pumping gas. You may or may not recognize them, but you’ve seen them before in real life.
Yeah I've read that also . It does make sense but I'm not sure how it could be definitively verified .
One dream that has stuck with me since I was 17 years old . I had a dream I was trying to mount an automoble carburetor on my dogs snout but I was so confused as to how to get it on there ,all I knew was the carb HAD to go on there LoL
The strangers in my dreams, that's something I recently noticed as well. It also seems that most of my dreams are back when I wasn't too financially stable in my life. Owner of a business for 20+ years now, but most of my dreams are still when I was an employee or had little control. Someone stealing something from me, mostly a car, another staple of my dreams. For the longest time I always attributed it to the T.V., as I and don't sleep too much or regularly at night and keep the T.V. on.
I remember many but not all.
Weird thing about dreams for me:
I used to dream I could fly. I would say at least once a week, at least. Once I got my pilots license I have not had a dream that I can fly. The biggest downside of getting it....
I rarely ever recall them, and when I do, it's never good. Blood, people dying, murder, torture, etc.
Pushing 50 and haven’t remembered a dream since I was a kid.
I only remember one dream but I’ve had it roughly 25-30 times in my life. I’ve been having it since I was about 7 and I’m now 36. My sister and I are in a department store and all the lights shut out and the doors lock. People chase us through the store then a casket appears and starts to open. Then I wake up before I see who/what is inside. Every single time. The only thing that changes with my dream is the age of my sister and I.
That would suck feel for ya.
Yep, I do. I have reoccurring dreams too. One that always pisses me off is riding and the throttle not working, and/or pedalling while twisting the throttle.
*I haven’t ridden since 2011.
You ever have the same dream more than once ? I've had a dream probably 6 or 7 times in my life where there's military type people roaming the streets shooting everyone, I don't have any kind of weapon so I wind up hiding underneath a car, get discovered and then can feel the bullets going into me. Freakin weird. Innocent bystander in a war zone in a previous life ? Who knows but I've had that same dream several times. 2nd repeating one is where you feel your teeth break apart and spit em all out of your mouth.
Your subconscious telling you something 🤣
I remember a few of them.
The best dream I ever had was a few months ago. I was on my old crf450 and was flowing around an undulating sand track. It wasn't too deep but just deep enough to be fun, I was pounding out lap after lap with no mistakes around what can only described as moto heaven.
Then I was chasing Richard Dawkins around a grand old hotel (think of the shinning) on a flying tricycle that he was convinced was evil, yeah dreams are odd.
I often have dreams about the same subject - day after heavy drinking. About waking up with unknown women, can't find my car and wallet, etc. Note that I haven't drank in 19 years. Must be some psychological trauma from drinking days, lol.
Pit Row
I have dreams I'm in the woods alot , what's weird is that in my dream I'm familiar with the area but when I wake up I have never been to those woods in real life. Just last night I was having a dream that I was at a bar watching a packers games and they just scored a touch down and everyone was going crazy and then my daughter started crying and woke me up.
Most nights I can remember bits and pieces of the dream, but not enough to remember what the full story, or even the point of the dream was.
Something interesting is that I often had dreams about losing teeth, or teeth just randomly falling out. I had a co-worker that was a big believer in dreams having meaning and they encouraged me to look it up. There appears to be a connection between losing teeth in dreams and having stress/anxiety, and at the time that was very true for me. The stress decreased around 3 years ago, and I haven't had a dream about it since then.
Similar to others, I have dreams where I am absolutely railing a track, but my bike just won't go fast, like the top end is blown or I'm stuck in first gear. Hitting every corner perfectly, but I can't gain any ground because the bike will just not go fast enough.
As a kid, I frequently dreamed of a giant aquarium that was set up more like a giant pond with sea life in it, mostly sharks and alligators. I would be walking around the edge of the aquarium until I would come face to face with an alligator, and the dream would end there.
You guys who can't remember your dreams must sleep really deep? I can wake up and remember 1 or 2 EVERY morning.
In my late teens and early 20's I used to wake up screaming. Once I was awoken by my mom as I was trying to rip my closet door off.
In that same time span i used to have the same dream over and over, bugs are on the ceiling over my bed and they start falling on me till I am covered in them. Once during one of these dreams i shoved my first wife out of bed as i was screaming and flailing about trying to get the bugs off me.
Currently, I am having a recurring dream of being naked in public.
The most pleasant dream I have is that i can swim in air. Its awesome.
Sometimes I dream about my late father, some pleasant, some not so much. Last dream i had about him he was cheating on mom with an asian woman. I caught him in bed with the woman, then there is a vision of his 87 year old self standing naked before me as if to say "what are you going to do about it?"
I'm usually being chased, and I'm riding a skateboard or bicycle, but I am doing tricks the whole time that I can't do in real life.. Riding wheelies or doing manuals everywhere, etc. I usually am basically ripping around until I over jump something to the point that I'm suddenly in the air like Jake Brown on the X games mega ramp, thirty feet above ground and headed to the flats.. then I wake up.
You mean I should consider one of these!?!?😂
Also @Sandberm656 I have the swimming in the air dream too! It's always breaststroke.
Hell yeah and go hard like an Aussie posty
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