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Only $10 for all 2024 SX, MX, and SMX series (regularly $30).
Where are these upset/waiting customers you speak of? I couldn’t be more excited to receive my bike.
That gear isn’t for me but as long as you like it, that’s all that matters. I’d recommend adopting a similar attitude towards Stark customers.
TBC I don’t have a problem with the bike or owners for buying them. Like you said not my cup of tea. You don’t see me insulting folks for their choice but I get insulted for mine. TBH I expect no less from vitards for not agreeing with them. It’s par for the course around here. To deny reality for what is going on with the production and distro of these is idiotic. I am sure you could imagine what would have happened weeks ago if I tried to push my experience.
The Shop
The best part is you are wrong about everything you just said. Everything I said is 100% true. FXR sets the price, not the dealer. The gear is 2 YO which he fully disclosed. He had every color way in stock I guess because FXR gear sucks so bad. I didn’t get played for anything as you suggest as we were done talking bikes before I even noticed he had gear. As far as I know this is the only Stark thread I have ever posted. Your batting .000 and elevated things to pure internet shit. 😂 GJ for a little bitch.
Dude.. just go away... pleaseeee
So you can push your narcissistic BS and not be challenged?
What are you even arguing about at this point?
Nothing, but it's fun to watch him think he's playing an enlightened game of 3D chess while we all just see a checker board.
Checkers is being too generous, it's more like rochambeau and he only throws rocks.
So I gotta laugh at myself on this one... I ended up finding the Stark phone when I went to build it Sunday night in the handlebar box... which is where it's supposed from what I learned (wasn't clear in the manual). I don't know why but I was going off B. Haskell's unboxing video and seeing the box on the pallet inside the stand... mine was entirely missing that.
Anyway, not my finest moment, but it was a fun discovery and made the build that much better. Such a sweet machine.
Absolutely jones'n to go ride but with 30 degress and snow in the forecast this weekend, the maiden voyage is gonna have to wait until next week.
Stark's customer service had gotten back to me by Monday morning saying where I should look for the phone and if it's not there they would ship one right away.
For those interested I put my deposit down December 14, 2021. Bike delivered 10.20.23. VIN # is around 875.
Great news all around !
not posting to bash stark. Just so the guys who have one in here are aware. Don’t know any back story on this. Just came across it on IG. It looks the the dog bones only attach on one side? Definitely a weird design.
This is gonna get wild.....
Both sides are broken off of the case in that picture. the angle is odd, but the left side is broken through the bolt hole on the mount
The gearbox oil may need topping up.
Ouch. Hope the rider is OK. Not a great look , I wonder what happened that caused it? Any more info on how it happened?
I'm sure that MXaddic will know exactly what happened...................
But really I wonder what the details of the bike and everything are.
Pit Row
Context regarding what happened sure would be helpful. . .
This. Just sharing a pic of a broken frame with no backstory is like what the media does.let’s be better than that.
I mean all other brands have had the same things happen to their frames multiple times now.
I laughed way too hard at that. Lol
It's not a sand casting, from the surface finish it looks like a die casting.
If the left side let go first, that would explain the fracture on the right, but I'm surprised the lower section is hollow.
Lower section is definitely solid. They are machining directly on it there.
The break on the right side is much higher which probably indicates a significant misalignment or lack of properly applied horizontal toruque.
The fracture on the left side is through the bolt hole...
The fracture on the right side is forward of the bolt hole in the housing...
I'd guess the left side fractured first.
Context is…. All these “useful idiots” buying into the global communist bullshit, is nothing but smoke and mirrors. They think they’re saving the planet. In reality they will be the first ones lined up against the wall and shot, when they are not useful anymore. The world will always run on oil. The real goal of all this green crap is population control and murdering billions of people. These things are just like unwrapping your little electric rc car from Santa and it being broken 2 days later. Except it cost 15 gs.
Can't wait to read Beagle's official explanation.
More like a dead casting.
I am sitting at work literally laughing out loud catching up on the last few pages of this. Appreciate all of you for the free entertainment!! Absolutely love that we've added a catastrophic failure to the mix this early on. Is it a total fluke just like any other bike could have, or is a failure such as this so early on with so few bikes out there a canary in the lithium mine? Impossible to know at this point, but please pick a side and debate it with the utmost conviction!!!
Seriously though, to the guy with the new bike and snow in the forecast, has anyone had these out in the cold yet? Curious if it has much impact on battery life?
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