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What just showed up?
Edit. I guess the court papers.
Getting sued because you stole money from someone is cancel culture?
It's more of a deformation, if you ask me.
no, but publicly executing the man without giving him a chance to formally respond IS cancel culture.
The Shop
i heard cocksey said it was actually davey coombs that stole from the lawrences, and while he was at it he framed mirtl.
Dude keeps digging his hole. Listen to your lawyer before all your shit comes out.
Someone close to him needs to tell him to STFU
his responses aren't helping his case very much. guess we'll wait for your cue before we assess what he's put out in the world. honestly, the guy is overplaying the victim card. he's a big boy. at minimum, it's clear he flew pretty close to the sun, and he should take accountability for that. he 100% failed to adequately communicate his intent to those he had a fiduciary duty towards. was his heart in the right place? maybe, maybe not.
for sure, we won't know that until the details come out, but there's nothing untoward about chuckling at the own goals of someone who held himself out as a big shot for a long time.
Not seen anything around this, background?
Whole thing just sad. It's like he smoked some bad weed and had a mental break. Even if he wins in court he's doing damage to his reputation every time he post anything at this point. For him to seriously think anything racerx has said is deformation says a lot about where his head is at right now. Like come on man, help yourself and just shut up.
It's the way of the world these days. Hang the guy, ask questions later. The lynchmob needs someone to hate.
He may very well be guilty...but deserves the right of innocent until PROVEN guilty.
I personally think Reflex had the best deformation...
These days?? Have you ever heard of yellow journalism? Smearing people in the press is as old as the printing press.
That said, crying cancel culture is always a BS strategy. This man is not a public figure, his CLIENTS are. He got sued, and imo, needs to stfu (publicly) and handle his business. Better.
You keep using terms like “scortched earth” and “publicly executing” but all RacerX and VitalMX have done is objectively report on publicly available information so far.
Yeah I get that but how is that Racer X's fault? As far as I can tell all of the major media sources have shared the press releases and reported the filing of the lawsuit, but I haven't seen anyone take a side or opine on the facts. Just strange to single them out.
My advice for Mirtz is, discarded pizza boxes can be a valuable sort of warmth and nutrition..
Not to mention he's been beating the drum on here for years about the bro-media and their failure to report things like this. It seems the media can't win in his eyes.
Don't get me wrong....I realize it's been going on since time began. It's on a WHOLE other level today with cancel culture mentality. The mob mentality in society is crazier today than it has ever been.
Completely agree, he's done more damage to himself by his rambling posts. STFU and let the lawyers do the talking.
Pit Row
yes, but, cancelling someone because they make obvious observations about science that happen to contradict the lysenkoist prevailing narrative is a different bird than judging someone for a universal moral failure (stealing). In fact, cancel culture nowadays is MORE likely to cancel you if you point out that certain people are GETTING AWAY with stealing.
Reminder: this thread had fallen off the front page, and everyone had moved on from roasting the dude, until Mirtl posted another rambling, insane Insta.
Exactly lol.
Mathes let him go on Pulp, I'm sure most other "media" outlets would let him talk...because by now they all know he's going to hang himself out to dry even more, because he can't form a sentence or keep his story straight. You'd think after all of this he would set aside 20 minutes for the Pulp interview, not be doing random chores around the house and mumbling while he's on the show.
Is he conflating "cancel culture" with being fired for allegedly stealing $600k?? If so, good Lord this guy needs a better lawyer or to actually listen to the one he says he has.
I love that Cooksey was blowing up Matthes about how it’s “fishy” that Steve found the documents the morning they were filed. I saw the first post go up on Vital about it that morning within 30 minutes of ML posting it and found the filings by just searching on google “Vs Lucas Mirtl Court”. It blows me away that tool has the following that he does.
DC must’ve banged a really hot girlfriend of Cooksey’s, the personal distaste Cooksey has for Davey is seriously concerning sometimes.
Maybe his new Crocs finally showed up 4 days later?
I really wanna hear what he acts like at the races lol
bwoahhh. matthes was being pretty cool about pulling punches and somehow mirtl gets him to the point he's willing to call up witnesses.
you know, not a SINGLE rider or partner has come forward in support of mirtl's character during this deal.
Old moaning mirtl. Nice guy, never met em.
Him calling the lawsuit frivolous is funny to me, the nerve it takes to steal money then act like the victims were being petty.. I wanna know what his track side manor was like i bet he said some shit.
Defamation not deformation. Just sayin
Pretty sure he accused them of deformation.
Rotomoto has came out and said he tried to get his credential removed over some reporting,
It’s Racer X fault for posting his rambling responses without editing them for him so he doesn’t look like an idiot…
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