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In very simple terms yes
It's probably because he caused Wasserman to lose out on astars sponsorship money (and their cut) because the donut account (even if they had nothing to do with it) was dry and couldn't pay the merch bill.
Uhhhhhhh . . . no.
RICO a subset of conspiracy where one party as a co-conspirator is liable (civil) or guilty (criminal) for actively facilitating the primary actor's wrongful conduct as part of a shared plan.
Vicarious liability is when your drunk employee runs over someone while on the job.
Companies have a lot of latitude to fire people for literally any reason they want, except some legally protected statuses. As an example, I just looked at one of my agreements. I can be fired for 'cause'. 'cause' includes dishonesty or fraud with respect to the company or any affiliate of the company, or conviction or confession in court of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude.
The Shop
Salads will be getting tossed, cheeks will be getting busted...
Sounds applicable. Or should I say apple cable to keep up the momentum of the old thread.
I love how so many of us joked about Cooksey having him on and good grief he's actually got the full exclusive hour plus special
Worst case scenario he’ll go to a country club called camp fed for a year or 2.
Pro never disappoints man. Right on queue.
So the moto "media" can't summon a single fact on any story, and now we have this, they've consistently lined up a long list of facts.
It feels like when the news found WMDs lol. Things that make you go hmmmm.
It doesn't sound good, I don't condone what he accused of, i find it sad that so many seem to be enjoying the salacious details of someone's downfall.
Jesus once said, let he is without sin cast the first stone. So many here throwing rocks... hope you are proud up there in the moral high ground.
Or Tarah Geiger’s 2004 CR125 carb mods
So it was a business account used to fund the business that Mirts was responsible for to keep balanced.
As he said if they had a problem with it why didn’t they tell him no more doing that and fix the balance ?
He won’t go to jail for this, he did everything in plain site, that’s how they know where the money went.
The dispute will be in IF he was allowed to use the money the way he did. If he loses he will have to pay the money back and if awarded this part also, pay back the Lawrence’s legal fees.
If he had the money to pay them back, he wouldn’t have taken their $. The Lawrence’s may win the lawsuit and still get pennies on the dollar at best out of Mirtl.
Rich people steal money a lot!
we're not condeming mirtl to death. the bible doesn't prohibit judgement. there's a whole lot of judgements in matthew 23 and the bible calls men in fellowship to hold their brothers accountable.
Ironic that Jesus said that given that religious folk are the most judgmental people on this planet.
Yes, if you have committed one sin you have committed them all. So I can’t say anything because I am no better than Mirtl, even if he did do all that he is accused of.
Pit Row
Not ironic at all. Like everyone else they are trying to be a better human today than they were yesterday lol.
There is a difference between judging a situation so as to know how to proceed in your own life…..and
Judging/condemning a person to death!
So KTM goes in debt and gets to pay back penny’s on the dollar, and Mirtl is probably going to pay back penny’s on the dollar to the Lawrence’s. Theives make out!!!
Mirtl was spending that money like he WAS the athlete, seems like he was the one who needed the manager/agent to keep the money flowing through. It wasn’t just $500 here and there, he should’ve known he was going to get caught, just had to keep doing it one last time.
I think GuyB comes across like he hates everyone on Vital.
I'd guess all the time he spent on here being the head tard-wrangler wouldn't help there, having to deal with the dumbest of the dumb on a daily basis (among us idiot motocross fans) would probably impact your viewpoint...
deformation 😄
Yes, you can actually. That's taken out of context. The "all sins being equal" thing is hyperbole to impress upon His followers the importance of keeping the law in their heart and not following the path of the pharisees (where they "negotiate" the letter of the law and relatavize sin)
You shouldn't judge others to make yourself feel better than they as the most righteous are still but wearing filthy rags, but if you take your doctrine to the extreme, you've given the church no power to reject and rebuke whore houses and the like. That clearly don't work. You HAVE to reserve the power to judge. Remember, you are in the world but not of the world.
Judgement =/ condemnation
is he talking about his deformed toe? Poor guy cant even afford shoes that fit. 🤣
Rich, poor, in between, if they have the keys to the account. Moms with PTA money, non-profit administrators, dads with little league funds, siblings running an estate or with powers of attorney for parent, partners in business, etc. etc. etc. It happens across full human spectrum.
I must have missed it, what is his beef with Racer X? Other than Cooksey in his ear . . .
He complained in the interview that he hadn't even been served yet, and learned of the lawsuit from RacerX.
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