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Why can't we vote for Cooksy? This is rigged!
lol...Cooksy is such a tool. Poor guy dug his own career grave.
Jase is a down to earth bloke and definitely more likeable than matthes. Speaking as a brit I feel like american consumers have a harder time listening to non north american voices / people. The rest of the world is so used to and exposed to you guys as the main character basically but not the other way around. If Jase was the exact same dude but was from anywhere in the states I don't think he gets the same volume of criticism. That being said gyspy will never be as big as pulp within the moto world but has a higher potential outside of it. They fill different roles and theres a place for both.
We know you will read this. Take it in. Reads to me like everyone pretty much likes you. Most of us just cant stand the repetitive "like" - 'right?"-"bro" talk. Ease up your personal "parallels" and I think your fan base will broaden considerably. This is not me talking, this is what the 1st page has given you.
Thank you for all of your hard work, efforts and love for the sport, it is better with you in it!!!
The Shop
Can only listen to Gypsy in the cut outs of interviews, 15mins tops. Maybe I’m just to old but the minute he spends asking a question & ‘bro’ crap & the f bombs are just to much me. IMO his voice is worse the WChristen.
But hey I suppose he’s making a living out of it🤷♂️
Honestly if Whiskey Throttle would get back to doing stuff they are better than both of them.
Burrrrrooo, loyyyke, if Gypsy had someone do the talking for him, he’d benefit greatly.
Out of the podcast booth Jase seems like a great, genuine dude.
Ping is hands down the best interviewer.... Like or dislike him, that is undeniable.
But the 'constant product placement' crap is what pays for it all.
Listen to the start of all Pulp shows, and then drop out depending what i am doing.
Never listened to Gypsy, the shorts are enough .
I agree it seems to be struggling compared to earlier years, and it's probably where having a such small sport limits us. Every era only has a few legends, and it feels like WT has hit most of them (and probably all of the ones who are willing to talk). He also had a good chemistry with GL and having both of them brought a little extra energy to the shows.
I've also listened so many times where Ping is just doing everything he can to pull answers out of people and they just can't carry on a conversation.
Having an idea for a podcast is one thing, but being able to sustain it year after year after year is tough I'm sure, for all of them.
Yeah, Jase get's a little much with the Bro-speak and all...but I'd still rather have that than Matthes' supreme arrogance.
at the start and end of each guest is…
Joining us today Pummel sponsored by renthal bananas. Bananas so yellow you’ll think you’re wearing night driving glasses. Bananas so big. Bananas bananas. Keep listening up next we have RC sponsored by RC cola.
Conversation with pummel
Thanks for joining us Pummel. Thanks to rental bananas. Bananas. Bananas.
This is spot on.
I like both in different ways.
I listen to the full pulp shows there is a lot of good insight, I fast forward the ad's and all the talk about how pretty pants and jerseys are.
I listen to the snippets from Gypsy that pop up on Facebook and Youtube, he gets good people and good info from them, however, he cuts them off occasionally to tell his story or compare what they are saying to jujitsu so I can't do a whole show.
Gypsys press conference questions are excellent and his takes on RDL are great too, he has a lot of potential to be great on the racing broadcasts.
Jase does a great job and is obviously a very like able guy but man I just can’t get past his voice and vocabulary
God we sound pathetic whinging about someone’s voice…. But I agree 😂
As a fellow Aussie, I find Gypsie to be trying too hard and inauthentic, so I give him a wide berth.
Lucky all this chat is subjective.
Pit Row
This is what I was thinking too.
Ok so it's not just my perception of him. Mathes seems to have a genuine disdain for his own fans. Condescending douche. Gypsy i could have a beer with
Jase Macalpine is just unbearable to me.
Because DC…….. 😂
I get the need for sponsors. It's just the way he does it. It's so bad. DV12 is hilarious when responding about it when on the show.
I'll watch segments with certain people....but even that is rare.
Yep, his DV interview was excellent.
And the 'fucks' as well. You don't need to swear all the time, if at all.
Free Cooksey!
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