2010 rmz clutch springs rubbing on clutch case

Socal, CA US
Edited Date/Time 3/10/2016 5:56pm
I recently bought a 2010 suzuki rmz 250 its been a good bike. The guy before me said he just had the top end done along with the clutch plates. I rode it for a few hours and started hearing a grinding noise so i stopped, when i got home i took off the clutch cover and whoever put the clutch springs in didnt torque them properly because they loosened and started rubbing against the clutch cover. The oil filter was absolutely caked how should i go about flushing all those metal shavings out?

3/9/2016 3:15pm
You will never get the all shavings out unless you split the cases and clean every part. The oil pump pickup screen would be my biggest concern. Sorry about your bad luck.
Middletown, CT US
3/9/2016 6:47pm
Did you run it long after that happened? If you haven't drained the oil already first drain a tiny bit of it to get any particles that have settled by the plug then shake the bike to side to side, maybe lean it over on each side back and forth to get any particles that have accumulated in any crevices out then drain the rest right after shaking the oil up. I would then add more oil, run the bike for few minutes or a little while and change the oil again. If you are on a budget and save your old oil use the old oil that you know doesn't have that metal in it. To be safe you can filter it with a T-shirt or paper towel then run it for a bit then put fresh oil and a filter in it. On my 04 RMZ250 there is a window that you can see the oil pump pickup screen but not sure about the 10. I believe it's behind the flywheel so if you are worried about that screen than you would have to pull the flywheel which requires a special puller or on some you can use a small gear puller, you should be able to use a small flashlight to see it through that window, you may even be able to get a long tip air gun nozzle in there and blow it clean. I used a magnetic tip pickup tool on mine so likely you can blow it clean. A magnet won't work with your issue cause the cover is magnesium. Good luck
Cuddebackville, NY US
3/10/2016 9:24am
I had that happen on a yz with a magnesium clutch cover. Bought a ss cleaneable oil filter and two gallons of cheap oil. I would change it, fire it up and let it idle to get the oil warm and flush around the motor. When draining the oil I used cheese cloth to get out the metal shavings and reuse the oil. After 4 gallons of oil I didnt get them all out. I sloshed marvel mystery oil in there too but that wasn't any better. I gave up and sold the bike.

The Shop

3/10/2016 5:08pm
netsleb229 wrote:
I had that happen on a yz with a magnesium clutch cover. Bought a ss cleaneable oil filter and two gallons of cheap oil. I would...
I had that happen on a yz with a magnesium clutch cover. Bought a ss cleaneable oil filter and two gallons of cheap oil. I would change it, fire it up and let it idle to get the oil warm and flush around the motor. When draining the oil I used cheese cloth to get out the metal shavings and reuse the oil. After 4 gallons of oil I didnt get them all out. I sloshed marvel mystery oil in there too but that wasn't any better. I gave up and sold the bike.
Nice. Passed off a grenade on someone else huh....

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