Edited Date/Time
6/13/2015 6:30pm
I know that there are a lot of Honda experts here, and I am hoping I can get some info. I am working on a 96 CR 250 build, but the frame was cactus. I purchased another frame, but thinking about it now, the add read 93-96 Honda CR250 frame. It didn't specify which exact year model the frame was from. I think there is a high chance that it will be an early model frame. Now, looking into it, I can see the 93 & 94 models used a different sized lower steering head bearing compared to the 95 & 96's. Are there any other glaring differences between the year models in regards to the frame.
The Shop
But if it's a 1993 frame and 1996 motor you're on your way to legit MC replica.
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