Big D, TX
Edited Date/Time
1/26/2012 12:37pm
(Those that do)
Tune in to CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any other newscasts right now (11:00pm CDT Monday) and see how hard they are trying to find any kernel of sensationalism in the non-event of the year: Gustav.
They're all freaking desperate because they moved mass quantities of reporting assets into Louisiana again and now there's nothing to report and all kinds of airtime to fill. They're (all of em) just hoping to see more "bodies floating in the streets", or find someone to admit that the levee might break (cue Led) or that FEMA will fuck up again.
That our society puts up with, much less embraces, that shit tells you all you need to know about why we're at, where we're at.
Tune in to CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any other newscasts right now (11:00pm CDT Monday) and see how hard they are trying to find any kernel of sensationalism in the non-event of the year: Gustav.
They're all freaking desperate because they moved mass quantities of reporting assets into Louisiana again and now there's nothing to report and all kinds of airtime to fill. They're (all of em) just hoping to see more "bodies floating in the streets", or find someone to admit that the levee might break (cue Led) or that FEMA will fuck up again.
That our society puts up with, much less embraces, that shit tells you all you need to know about why we're at, where we're at.
The news folks lined up for the superbowl and got delivered a preseason game.
I kind of like the country a bit better now that NO didn't get wiped out again.
But we all encounter the shaking head, tsk-tsk, "look what the world has come to" attitude. It's everywhere. I think the breathless media looking for "floating bodies" is pretty good barometer of what people 'buy'. And if this is what people are buying, that tells you all you need to know the next time you want to shake your head and go "tsk-tsk".
The Shop
Geraldo to the rescue!
You might be working with him next week.
Geraldo is an emberassment to himself and downgrades any credibility you can give to the Fox network.
It is a shame because I like some of their stuff.
The stronger of our species survive and put ourselves above that BS and thats pretty much why there is even a society left because of it.
Shock video is for the weak and those who don't get out much.
These things affect people in two ways. For some it implants evil ideas in their minds, for others it moves them slowly towards anxiety and depression. Depression is the fastest growing "illness" in western culture. I see at least a connection here. What do you guys think?
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go listen to the "man shows up as pot roast" broadcast (sarcasm).
Of course, no one is concerned about the distorted view this gives viewers watching it about the world outside their windows. It's seriously f'ed up.
TV News turned to complete shiiite a few years back. It utterly sucks. Now they feel they need to compete with the voyeuristic pathologies of the Internet with meaningless news items. "A five minute car chase in Cleveland? If you got footage, run it!"
My advice is not to get your news from people that only care about hawking deodorant and tampons, making huge salaries and wearing make-up.
Actually reading the newspaper usually provides more in-depth and balanced coverage...or set your homepage to google news. They sell ads too but not with the naked sensationalism of TV news.
Where was the National Guard Iraq instead of protecting OUR nation.
BTW, I love America and is why I would rather see the trillion dollars we've borrowed for Iraq be spent in the US maintaining our aging infrastructure and taking care of OUR people but hey that's just me.
we have flood zones in hawaii..they put the houses on poles,up high..DUH
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