Central, TX
Edited Date/Time
11/11/2013 10:57am
If there ever was a shining example of how wasteful, inept and ridiculous government is at running anything, this Obamacare thing is.……
For the love of God can anyone make a statement about how the CURRENT government staff, the ones affecting our lives NOW, is/are doing without more stinking GW Bush nonsense?
When you start pulling OF replies, this forum here has indeed tanked.
Somehow it's Bush's fault. Just being preemptive here.
If I'm stuck with most Americans believing that the federal government solves problems, I can choose the lesser of two evils, right? So, if that's the path I have to take (after all, I'm offered no other alternative), I'd rather we lose our money internally on ourselves.
I wonder how many billions right now this administration is blowing overseas? Why aren't we bitching about that more? How 'bout that drug war, that Obama yet again sold out to? Hundreds of millions every year going into Mexico do what? Prop up criminal governments that strike deals with the guys they're supposed to be fighting?
Our attacking the ACA doesn't preclude us from also addressing those other problems. My big issue is that all I hear about is the ACA, and I don't hear shit about the rest of it. Americans get their panties in a bunch over nothing. That's an issue.
The Shop
Jtom Logic 101: Get over your trifles already.
Just a friendly link.
The amount of Government funded IT disasters isnt a short one, but when some keeps writing a bigger cheque to keep paying for your screw ups , why get it right first time.
Its pretty simple , the people at the top dont get it , because their existence relies on them not getting it , and any politician that truly understands the problem , is instantly excluded by the MSM , or made out to be a kook , and if that fails ... well we all know what happens then... i do wonder where we would be if things had been different 50 years ago…
Interesting to say the least.
The answer appears to be a bad mix of paperwork and balky computers.
Around the country, dealers had put off the laborious task of applying for the rebates of $3,500 or $4,500, which requires entering the 17-character identification numbers of each vehicle to be scrapped, scanning images of proof of insurance and filling out other paperwork.
The computer system was overloaded, according to the dealers. They said they would finish one page in the application, hit enter and nothing would happen. Eventually a message would appear notifying the dealer that the page had “timed out.”
Tom Frew, the business manager at Galpin Motors in Los Angeles, said that he needed 35 tries to register just one of the company’s 11 dealerships on the day that the program opened because of problems with the government Web site. On Friday, he spent an hour processing just one rebate application, he said.
From an interview with Piers Morgan:
BILL MAHER: It sure is hard if you're a politician, not that I'm really that sympathetic to them, to try to get information into people's heads. I don't think Obama should have lied to people.
PIERS MORGAN, HOST: It was a lie, wasn’t it?
MAHER: Well, hold on. First of all, insurance companies are always dropping people from their plans. This goes on, this went on before ObamaCare went on, after ObamaCare. We’re losing a lot of perspective here. But, yeah, he probably should have not been so blatant about saying you iron clad guarantee.
On the other hand, since he got no Republican votes and no Republican help, and since three years after it’s a law they’re still fighting it, can you imagine what it would be like if he said, “Yeah, some people your rates are going to up.” I mean, he, the thing passed by this much. If they said that, they might have lost the whole thing. And politicians are always making compromises like that.
Maher is giving him a pass for lying but at least he admits he lied and admits that the ACA would probably not have passed had he even told a partial truth. Had the whole truth been told it would not have even been close.
That's fraud in my book. A fraud that affects every single person in the country.
Pit Row
In my line of work, if I withhold certain pieces of information, or outright lie, just to get a loan approved (believing the end justifies the Obama did here), it's called loan fraud...and I'm up against a $1 million fine and/or up to 30 years in prison.
Obama had to LIE to get this law passed...he had to commit fraud in order to sway public opinion enough to keep the votes to pass would NOT stand on its own. And that is very telling.
Oldfart hates, and has no respect for liars....I wonder if he will be consistent in that and stop supporting Obama.
America got screwed, big time.
Bush lied to us and saw no recourse against him.
Obama lied to us and has seen no recourse against him.
Both sides now know they can lie to us about WHATEVER they want and nothing bad will happen. Expect it to only get worse.
If you're not mad about either side lying to you, you're nothing but a party playing hack and shouldn't be allowed to participate in discussions here.
Explain your version of the "politics" that wouldn't allow a delay in implementation.
"Liberal policies are so good, they have to be mandatory!"
I did hafta giggle at the 'QuatroPro' part. I remember when that was the new cool thing to use.
Anyone who remembers installing thicknet, thinnet, token-ring or were thrilled when the 3C509b combo came out are old timers.
Not sure why we no longer conduct investigations into presidents lies, although it seems to have started under Bush and continues under Obama.
A system that leaves you to choose from 2 people who are bought and paid for by the same folk isnt a great choice.
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