12 year old arrested for Omaha murder

Flowood, MS US
7/10/2015 5:03am
We should just start a "black crime" forum for you guys so you can inform us daily of these things. TongueTongueTongue
I heard there used to be a white crime forum but they deleted it due to inactivity.
P wrote:
Good wholesome 12 year-olds that didn't even have an older kid to coax them. [img]http://media.jrn.com/images/660*413/b99527566z.1_20150703221938_000_g3mbl0mc.1-1.jpg[/img] P
Good wholesome 12 year-olds that didn't even have an older kid to coax them.

The occassional case that makes headlines... Versus the EVERYDAY cases that are so common no headline is warranted anymore. Its expected. Children under 10 are killed every week in Chicago. Not a word is said. A 12 year old in Omaha. No outcry. Why? Its the norm now. Americans are desensitzed to it, it happens too often and isnt a shock anymore. Pretty sad when that is the expectation of a community and not the anomoly. Now graduating and getting a secondary degree is the anomoly, or living past 25 and not be in prison.
7/10/2015 6:29am
Whats the matter....you another in denial of the truth that this type of thing is and has always been a problem in minority culture? Some people...
Whats the matter....you another in denial of the truth that this type of thing is and has always been a problem in minority culture? Some people are sick of it, doesnt sound like you are though..?
whats really shitty is the PC police like yourself will make some snyed condesending remark about "pointing it out" that they happen to be black.

If you are afraid to identify a problem how do you fix it? Or are you another that will just turn the other way and dont look because ? After all the person they shot and killed wasnt anyone you knew.
No I don't deny that black people commit crimes disproportionate to their population. I work in Washington DC and live pretty near Baltimore, I know all...
No I don't deny that black people commit crimes disproportionate to their population. I work in Washington DC and live pretty near Baltimore, I know all about it. A black kid knifed a white guy here on 4th of July in the middle of a Saturday afternoon on a downtown train for his cellphone. Stabbed him 20 times and stomped him until he was dead. He had just been released from jail the day before.

I don't see anybody here proposing anything that would solve the problem, either. Sometimes it's posting about black people fucking up, and comments about "animals" etc (see the post above this). I'm not here to police anybody, which I can't do anyhow.

I would say the issues in the black community are very complex and can't be fixed by police or politicians. It's really a societal and cultural problem. The US drug war caused the rise of gangs, for instance. Some guy here was just trying to buy some weed and ended up shot because he had to buy it on the street from shady people. Maybe if we didn't have stupid drug laws he could have bought it legally and these assholes would not have a corner on the business.
"The US drug war caused the rise of gangs" Huh? Drugs were illegal before the US war on drugs started. There were gangs before that time...
"The US drug war caused the rise of gangs"
Drugs were illegal before the US war on drugs started.
There were gangs before that time as well.
Inner city drug deaths were happening at a staggering rate in the 60's

How old are you?
I'm 47. Of course drugs were illegal and drugs were a problem before the "War on Drugs." It's widely acknowledged that the Reagan-era policies did not work and resulted in mass incarceration of Americans. Are you saying the illegality of marijuana did not lead to a thriving black market? I believe it did. not to mention that once people are incarcerated they are much more likely to be exposed to a gang.
Ontario, CA US
7/10/2015 5:01pm
True, it is widely acknowledged but just because something is widely acknowledged does not mean its accurate.
There are plenty of crazy religious theory's that are widely acknowledged.
If you look at drug deaths per capita you would see that we are better off now than before the war on drugs.
I wouldn't classify the war on drugs as a complete failure and at the same time I wouldn't call it a sweeping success.
If I had to guess I would say it was a cultural development that was at the heart of this trend.
Late 60's-70's most people aged 20-30 thought drugs drugs were a pretty good idea.
The 80's taught us otherwise.
Most people moved on.
Trying to convey to little kids the dangers of drugs continues to be a good idea.
So I really don't understand how the war on drugs became the place holder of blame for anything drug related.
And to respond to your if it was legal argument, the rise in inner city gangs were a result of crack cocaine. Would you have legalized crack?

Edgewater, FL US
7/10/2015 7:23pm
True, it is widely acknowledged but just because something is widely acknowledged does not mean its accurate. There are plenty of crazy religious theory's that are...
True, it is widely acknowledged but just because something is widely acknowledged does not mean its accurate.
There are plenty of crazy religious theory's that are widely acknowledged.
If you look at drug deaths per capita you would see that we are better off now than before the war on drugs.
I wouldn't classify the war on drugs as a complete failure and at the same time I wouldn't call it a sweeping success.
If I had to guess I would say it was a cultural development that was at the heart of this trend.
Late 60's-70's most people aged 20-30 thought drugs drugs were a pretty good idea.
The 80's taught us otherwise.
Most people moved on.
Trying to convey to little kids the dangers of drugs continues to be a good idea.
So I really don't understand how the war on drugs became the place holder of blame for anything drug related.
And to respond to your if it was legal argument, the rise in inner city gangs were a result of crack cocaine. Would you have legalized crack?


The mob came to significant power by the banning of alcohol. Would you have banned it? If yes or no...why not or so?

It's the same question, and has every bit as much complexity.

The Shop

Ontario, CA US
7/10/2015 9:37pm
If I was in charge would I legalize-
Alcohol yes
Very easy to make. Difficult to outlaw.
Most people have had enough experience to reasonably manage this drug.
three quarters of our population drink. Six percent of that group are alcoholics. Still some will die and some will kill others while under the influence this drug. Our society says they want it anyway so I say let them have it)
Marijuana yes
Very easy to make. difficult to outlaw.
Most people have had enough experience to reasonably manage this drug.
There would be relatively few deaths when compared to alcohol but there will likely be more under age people trying it which can increase the amount of chronic users.
Schools may become less affective at teaching our middle and high school aged kids if a larger percent of them smoke weed.
Crack no
Difficult to make. Easier to outlaw than booze or weed.
Extremely addictive.
Legalizing this drug would have a tremendous cost on our society.

Your turn.
Piston Slap
Stillwater, OK US
7/11/2015 12:38am Edited Date/Time 7/11/2015 12:40am
Crack is not hard to make man. . . Very easy. Faster and easier than making alcohol. . . FYI

I agree with your other points

Edmonton CA
7/11/2015 2:37am
Just for shits and giggles why don't you list the main ingredients required to make crack and then what you can make alcohol from. I doubt the ingredient list is as easy to assemble as you claim it to be for both. Considering one requires a narcotic and the other something rotting.
Ontario, CA US
7/11/2015 10:39am
Crack is not hard to make man. . . Very easy. Faster and easier than making alcohol. . . FYI I agree with your other points...
Crack is not hard to make man. . . Very easy. Faster and easier than making alcohol. . . FYI

I agree with your other points

Most of us don't live in Bolivia.
Hickory, NC US
7/12/2015 8:52am
Crack is not hard to make man. . . Very easy. Faster and easier than making alcohol. . . FYI I agree with your other points...
Crack is not hard to make man. . . Very easy. Faster and easier than making alcohol. . . FYI

I agree with your other points

Oh my...

I guess Chemistry wasn't a required course when you got your advanced law degree huh?
St Helens, OR US
7/12/2015 8:57pm
This thread started out on a really bad note about some really stupid kids , very sad indeed.

After reading through some of it , wow. Lots of denial going on in here and some even more stupid explanations. Good going P haha! And Rooster , man you take the winning prize for being an idiot. LMFAO! LaughingLaughing

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