SUKUKI Should...

Los Angeles, CA US
Edited Date/Time 1/12/2012 6:32am
put Jeff Alessi and Cody Cooper on Mikey's and DV's factory bikes thru the summer until those guys return just to do it and get the extra press.

I mean what do they have to lose?

All their mechanics, drivers and all other support people are already paid whether they have riders racing or not. The bikes are made, the trucks are ready and every thing is in place except the riders. the only extra expense in this case as i see it is in the gas money to get to the races. now with what gas prices are at this point in know its a real hard cost but the extra bonus pr they would get from helping these two guys out would be enormous.

Look at what its done for Yamaha already by giving Hamblin a chance...! i really respect them for giving him a shot and helping by rewarding his efforts.

Just think of how much further they could improve their results with the full factory treatment for those two. they're doing so well already- imagine the improvement and extra yellow bikes in the top ten!

No one will beat James straight up- so this series is all about the top ten as it see it.

C'mon Roger. just give them that extra support. it will go so far, you dont even know. and imagine the extra support from the fans for doing so....

just my opinion!

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